
19 11, 2020

Best Poster Award from DARIAH-EU for “Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital Humanities research in Spain”

2020-11-19T11:28:18+00:00By |

POSTDATA team is pleased to announce that our colleagues Maurizio Toscano, L. Bocanegra Barbecho, Salvador Ros Muñoz and Elena González-Blanco have won DARIAH’s Best Poster Award for their poster ‘Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital [...]

7 11, 2019

Elena González-Blanco, among the 9 most influential young Spanish entrepreneurs

2019-11-07T11:16:20+00:00By |

Elena González-Blanco, Principal Investigator of POSTDATA, founder of LINHD, and general director of CoverWallet, has been chosen as one of the nine most influential Spanish entrepreneurs by the magazine "Emprendedores". This selection was based on [...]

3 06, 2019

POSTDATA participates in the 3rd Annual Meeting of the project Power and Representations: Cultural transfers in the Modern Era

2019-06-03T11:10:29+00:00By |

The Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales (LINHD) and the POSTDATA project participate in the 3rd Annual Meeting of the project Power and Representations: Cultural transfers in the Modern Era  that took place at the National [...]

23 01, 2019

Elena Gonzalez-Blanco most top leader of tomorrow in Spain

2019-03-29T11:28:21+00:00By |

Elena Gonzalez-Blanco, General Manager of Europe at CoverWallet and IP of the POSTDATA project, has been nominated as one of the top leaders of tomorrow in Spain by the prestigious foundation Choiseul and has been ranked #1. Choiseulis an independent research center dedicated to [...]

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