
22 10, 2020

POSTDATA ontologies: a network of ontologies for European Poetry

2020-10-22T09:19:57+00:00By |

One of the main goals of POSTDATA is to provide means for researchers on European poetry to publish and consume semantically-enriched data. Thus, developing a poetry ontology is a pillar of its semantic domain. An ontology connects different data [...]

26 05, 2020

Job opening at POSTDATA: Research Fellow in Ontologies and Linked Open Data (Digital Humanities)

2020-05-26T09:13:13+00:00By |

We are looking for one (1) Researcher in Ontologies and Linked Open Data for the European Project ERC-Stg-2015 POSTDATA, led by Elena González-Blanco, which will last until April 2021. The project, born at the Digital Humanities Innovation [...]

5 03, 2020

History, society and digital culture. Reflections and new narratives.

2020-03-05T11:40:26+00:00By |

On February 11th, the Conference “History, society and digital culture. Reflections and new narratives” was held at the Carlos III University of Madrid. The conference was attended by Salvador Ros, professor at UNED and POSTDATA’s [...]

4 03, 2020

Salvador Ros to participate in the Panel “University and Technology”

2020-03-04T14:29:49+00:00By |

On February 12, an online panel was held to reflect and debate on the Impact of Information Technologies on Higher Education. The panel was attended by several experts in the field, who reflected on various [...]

2 03, 2020

CLARIN Team visits Madrid to prepare its 2020 Annual Conference, in collaboration with POSTDATA

2020-03-02T11:35:48+00:00By |

We are happy to announce that CLARIN, the European Language & Technology Infrastructure, will celebrate its 9th CLARIN Annual Conference in Madrid on October 5, 6 & 7, 2020. The Executive Director of CLARIN ERIC, Franciska [...]

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