The Universidade de Santiago de Compostela held this week the International Conference Humanidades Dixitais: olladas cara á Idade Media (Digital Humanities: a look to the Middle Ages) organised by the Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies Network.santiago2

This scientific event was a suitable space for the critical reflection and discussions among researchers interested in the combination of DH and any field of Medieval Studies, such as philology, art, history, philosophy or music.

We want to highlight its multidisciplinary perspective, both in the presentation of methodological approaches and in the practical use or implementation of tools. As it is expected from this type of events, there was space for the reflection on how the digital revolution is affecting and changing the Humanities research.


There were numerous invited speakers from different European institutions: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (José Manuel Lucía Megías), Universidad de Salamanca (Mª Nieves Sánchez González de Herrero and Leyre Martín Aizpuru), Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya (Ana Requejo), Agència Catalana del Patrimoni Cultural de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Albert Sierra), and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Mihailo Popovic). Among these keynote speakers was Mariana Curado Malta, member of the project POSTDATA who represented our Laboratorio de Innovación de Humanidades Digitales. Her talk focused on modelling by sharing her perspective as an expert on Linked Open Data.

Between the plenary sessions, thirty speakers from all over the world presented their research. There were nine different sessions that organised the main subjects: digital scholarly editions, geographical exploration, art and iconography and or digital resources are some of the topics of discussion during the three days that lasted the event.

For more information, take a look at their social accounts: Facebook and Twitter

Thank you! 🙂