POSTDATA Project at the INTELE’s Workshop on Digital Humanities
INTELE Network, the strategic network for the promotion of language technology infrastructures in the humanities and social sciences in Spain, held a workshop on Digital [...]
Best Poster Award from DARIAH-EU for “Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital Humanities research in Spain”
POSTDATA team is pleased to announce that our colleagues Maurizio Toscano, L. Bocanegra Barbecho, Salvador Ros Muñoz and Elena González-Blanco have won DARIAH’s Best Poster [...]
POSTDATA Project at the AISO 2020 Conference
Laura Hernández Lorenzo, Researcher of POSTDATA project, has participated in the AISO 2020 Conference (International Association “Siglo de Oro”) that was held virtually last November [...]
POSTDATA Project at DH Annual Conference 2020
POSTDATA Project has participated in DH’s Annual Conference which was celebrated virtually, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of our team, Javier de la [...]
POSTDATA at 4th Plotting Poetry Conference
POSTDATA Project has been accepted in Plotting Poetry’s Annual Conference, which was postponed, for now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We introduce two papers, In "Automatic [...]
History, society and digital culture. Reflections and new narratives.
On February 11th, the Conference “History, society and digital culture. Reflections and new narratives” was held at the Carlos III University of Madrid. The conference [...]
CLARIN Team visits Madrid to prepare its 2020 Annual Conference, in collaboration with POSTDATA
We are happy to announce that CLARIN, the European Language & Technology Infrastructure, will celebrate its 9th CLARIN Annual Conference in Madrid on October 5, 6 [...]
POSTDATA at the Time Machine Conference in Brussels
The final CSA Time Machine conference has taken place in Brussels, on February 17 2020. Leire Leguina, Project Manager of POSTDATA has participated in the [...]
Presentation of the H2020 DESIR-DARIAH “Digital Humanities Research in Spain” research
The Digital Humanities innovation lab and POSTDATA have participated in the General Assembly of DARIAH, which took place in Zagreb on November 6 and 7. [...]
POSTDATA lecture: “A network of ontologies for European poetry”
The lecture "A network of ontologies for European poetry" by POSTDATA researcher Mª Luisa Díez Platas, was presented at the 4th Congress of Digital Humanities [...]
Presentation of the “Impact of Digital Humanities in Spain” H2020 DESIR-DARIAH
The Digital Humanities Innovation Lab and POSTDATA participated in the 4th Conference "Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage" of the Association of Hispanic Digital Humanities, that [...]
POSTDATA at the “Plotting Poetry 2019” Conference
The POSTDATA team has been present at the annual Plotting Poetry conference in Nancy. In it, we had the opportunity to meet new tools and [...]
POSTDATA in CLARIN Workshop: NLP Tools for Historical Documents
From September, 9th to 11th , Mª Luisa Díez Platas, POSTDATA Researcher has participated in CLARIN Workshop: NLP Tools for Historical Documents (, organized by [...]
POSTDATA at the first Iberian ERC Summit 2019 in Braga
The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) in Braga, Portugal, hosted the INL – ERC Summit 2019 on 8 and 9 April, designed to join all [...]
Elena Gonzalez-Blanco meets with the Kings of Spain
Elena González-Blanco, Principal Investigator of POSTDATA, was selected by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities to attend the "Encounter with Science: Spanish Research in [...]
POSTDATA participates in DH Workshop in Nitra, Slovakia
The project POSTDATA participated in an event organized by the Faculty of Arts of the Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. A member of our project, [...]