The POSTDATA team is compiling poems and lyrics to give testimony of the Covid-19 crisis, and make them available to all, in order to make the quarantine more bearable.

We have collected more than 100 poems & songs so far, in Spanish, and we are starting to analyze their content. Here are some first results:

Wordcloud generated with Voyant Tools:
#confinedverses first results
Graph showing the relative frequencies of the words: life (yellow), world (grey), coronavirus (blue) and you (pink): 

The word “life” seems to be a constant in the corpus, much more so than the “virus”, which appears several times in some texts and nothing in others.

More results to come!

Keep sending us your original poem or song, in Spanish or English, through this link:


Thank you!


POSTDATA “Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data”: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement Nº [679528]).

All contributed poems retain their individual copyright but are released to the public on a GitHub repository under the terms of a CC-BY 4.0 license.