
In these days of confinement, poetry and music are the best company. Social networks are dazzling with creativity, thanks to the poems and songs shared by recognized and anonymous individuals about their day to day experiences in confinement.

The POSTDATA “Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data” team, is compiling all these poems and lyrics to give testimony of this collective experience, and make them available to all, in order to make the quarantine more bearable.

You can check here all the poems and songs that we have collected so far.

And don’t forget to keep sending your original poem or song, in Spanish or English, through this link: #confinedverses

First Results:

Wordcloud generated with Voyant Tools

#confinedverses first results

Graph showing the relative frequencies of the words: life (yellow), world (grey), coronavirus (blue) and you (pink): 

The word “life” seems to be a constant in the corpus, much more so than the “virus”, which appears several times in some texts and nothing in others.

Poems & Songs in English:  First Wordcloud:

Links between these words:

New Wordcloud of the Spanish corpus of poems & songs:

The reinforcement of words “mundo”, “vida”, “amor” can be noticed. The word “corazón” has also emerged.

LDA Topic Modeling:

The first topic detected in the corpus is related to sad emotions caused by the pandemic:

The second topic detected is related to words of hope facing the current situation of confinement:

A third topic detected in the corpus deals with feelings related to the need to stay home during the pandemic:

More results to come!

You will find more information about our research at UNED’s website.

Check the complete catalogue of poems here: