“Artificial intelligence and language: will machines come to speak like men?”

Artificial intelligence is now a trending topic, however it is a discipline whose algorithms began to develop more than four decades ago.In the 50s, Alan Turing proposed the imitation game. The goal was to convince a human that he was talking with a person instead of with a machine. How much is left to get to that point? How far has the technology  come and what are the next challenges? Which are the main applications to the business and the real world? How will the future change?

“The big picture of artificial neural networks”

Neural networks have become in the machine learning process’s  cornerstone but what are they for? How many types are there? How do I start? What characterizes each one? In this talk you will learn the basic concepts and the most known use cases such as language recognition, play NES or paint a Van Gogh.

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18: 30 Welcome and reception of the attendees

19: 00 Elena Gonzalez-Blanco: Artificial intelligence and language: will the machines come to speak like men?

19: 30 Nerea Luis: The big picture of artificial neuron networks

20: 15 Cervecitas, picoteo and networking



Tuesday, June 11, 2019

18: 30 – 20:30 CEST

112 Calle del Príncipe de Vergara 28002 Madrid




Elena González-Blanco Elena González-Blanco is Europe’s General Manager at Coverwallet. Specialist in the field of linguistic technology. She has been Artificial Intelligence Product Development´s Manager at Minsait-Indra and She is a recognized international prestige researcher who leads POSTDATA, a ERC’s European excellence research project related to poetry and the semantic web. She was Director and Founder of the first Laboratory of Innovation in Digital Humanities in the spanish language: www.linhd.es.,and member of several European scientific committees. She has a Ph.D. in Hispanic Philology and 1st National Award for Hispanic and Classical Licenses. Master in Digital Libraries at UC3M, she has been a professor and researcher at Harvard University, King’s College, UNAM and Bonn.

Chosen number # 1 in the ranking Choiseul 2018 “Economic Leaders of the future of Spain, and chosen one of the Top 100 women in Spain in the 2016, 2017 and 2018 editions of the contest. www.lastop100.es

She has been awarded with the Julián Marías 2017 research prize in the category of researchers under 40. She speaks English, French, German and Italian and is mother of 4 children.


Nerea Luis Mingueza Graduated in Computer Science in 2013, and Master in 2014 in Computer Science and Technology at Carlos III University of Madrid. She is currently finishing her Phd studies at Carlos III. She is an active and award-winning disseminator and scientific communicator. In 2016 She won the Google Anita Borg award for her non-profit technological initiatives. Among them T3chFest, a UC3M technological event that promotes and highlights the lack of diversity in that sector. In 2018, COTEC Foundation selected her as an expert in Technology, Talent and Gender for its network “The 100 of Cotec”. That same year she was selected as a scientific advice technician, in the Science iniciative promoted by the Spanish Congress of Deputies. Also in 2018, she was awarded with the  ICT Innovative recognition by the Cibervoluntarios Foundation. Recently, the Business Insider has recognized her as one of the 23 talents under 35 years of age willing to lead the technological revolution.
