Under the title Semantic Technologies and linguistic tools for digital humanities, for the third consecutive year the DH@Madrid Summer School 2017 of LINHD-UNED has been a source of knowledge of different digital methods for research applied to the Humanities. Researchers in Philology and Digital Humanities have been able to learn a great variety of technological tools for their research projects in the world of the current digital academic context.

The contents of this course, which have been followed in person and online by the students, have focused on language technologies and, fundamentally, on semantic technologies. The 2017 DH summer course, which is backed by the European Research Infrastructure CLARIN, has been co-financed by one of the projects developed by LINHD: ERC Starting Grant POSTDATA, which is precisely based on the application of semantic procedures to create a unique model that make interoperable data belonging to different poetic traditions. Click here for further information!

Captura de pantalla 2017-07-20 a las 11.03.38    Captura de pantalla 2017-07-20 a las 11.04.18