On April 25 we celebrated for the first time in Cuba, a special day of digital humanities in the framework of the World Book Day. The event was held at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana and was organized together with the Digital Humanities Innovation Lab (LINHD) at UNED in Spain, POSTDATA project and HDCI Research Group (FCom) in Cuba. The Digital Humanities Lab CAICYT – CONICET of Argentina also participated in this initiative.

The activities were published in the blog of the Cuban academic research group and could be followed on Facebook in the HDCI Cuba group, and on Twitter with the hashtags #vivelashumanidadesdigitales #jornadahumanidadesdigitales_HDCI_POSTDATA and #jornadahumanidadesdigitales_FCom.


Video presentation https://youtu.be/to8WpVEQmFk

Our team https://canal.uned.es/series/5ad85794b1111f98478b4569