On September 17 took place the session “Voice distinguishes us as humans” at the Telefónica Space in Madrid, serving as the presentation of the latest issue of Telos Magazine, which deals with the importance of human voice in an increasingly digital society.
The debate was attended by Juliana Rueda, sound engineer, audiobook producer, Marta Pinillos, voice and non-verbal communication teacher and Elena González-Blanco, Europe general manager of CoverWallet, and was moderated by Juan M. Zafra, director of Telos magazine and professor of Journalism at the Carlos III University of Madrid.
The relationship between voice and Artificial Intelligence is progressing by leaps and bounds, but there is still a long way to go. In the words of Elena González-Blanco: “There is still a lot to be done for machines to be able to generate voices on their own”. “Translating human feelings into algorithms in order to be reproduced by a machine is what it is really difficult. […] But with enough data and training, we can reach a fairly high degree of accuracy in imitating voices”.
Link to Elena Gonzalez-Blanco’s article in the Telos Magazine Issue (in Spanish):
Complete video of the presentation:
Interview with Elena González-Blanco at Fundación Telefónica: