Job opening at POSTDATA: Research Fellow in Ontologies and Linked Open Data (Digital Humanities)

Job opening at POSTDATA: Research Fellow in Ontologies and Linked Open Data (Digital Humanities)

We are looking for one (1) Researcher in Ontologies and Linked Open Data for the European Project ERC-Stg-2015 POSTDATA, led by Elena González-Blanco, which will last until April 2021.

The project, born at the Digital Humanities Innovation Lab from UNED, LINHD, is a Digital Humanities project that deals with poetry analysis, standardization and classification. It combines semantic web technologies, natural language processing and digital scholarship editing with the analysis of more than 30 poetry projects and databases in different European languages. The team is an interdisciplinary group of high-qualified researchers from different disciplines, from linguistics, philology and literature to computer science, mathematics and semantic web engineers.

Selection Process:
Candidates must send a short CV (maximum 4 pages) and a motivation letter (maximum 2 pages) explaining why they fit for the position, with references to previous projects developed. CVs sent in other formats or motivation letters missing will NOT be accepted.
Mandatory SUBJECT of the email message: POSTDATA Ontologies Application _ LastName, Name
Send your application to
· Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computational Linguistics, Literature, Spanish Literature, English Literature, Hispanic Studies, or a related field.
· Experience with semantic web technologies, especially JSON-LD/RDF/OWL/SKOS/SPARQL, and Jena/Virtuoso.
· Data science and management expertise (implementing data processing workflows).
· Excellent technical skills to conduct experiments. Good understanding of web development with knowledge of REST/JSON web services, JEE technologies, and Python/Django.
· Knowledge of ontology alignment issues and tools.
· Background knowledge and/or experience in some of the European literature and poetry traditions is preferred.
· Strong communication skills with both technical and non-technical colleagues.
· Ability to lead activities on structured team projects.
· Experience with relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL) and with ontologies and Linked Data.
· Familiarity with version control systems (git) and code repositories (GitHub).
· Familiarity with agile software development practices.
· Excellent verbal and written skills in Spanish and English.
· Experience with software languages, preferably Python, JavaScript, or R.
· Data analysis experience and analytic knowledge (e.g., R, Julia, STATA, SPSS, or other statistical packages).
· Additional languages (modern or historical varieties).
· Linux shell, shell scripting
. NLP abilities appreciated
Application deadline: June 4th, 2020 (The position will be filled as soon as we find a candidate suitable for it. Don’t wait until the last minute!)
Linhd / Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Research Field:
Computer science › Computer architecture
Computer science › Modelling tools
Language sciences › Philology
Researcher Profile:
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Spain › Madrid
Type of Contract:
Job Status:
Hours per week:
EU Research Framework Programme:
H2020 / ERC
2020-05-26T09:13:13+00:00By |

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