Salvador Ros presented the results of the POSTDATA at “Digital Humanities: Artificial Intelligence” Forum
Salvador Ros, invited to the "Digital Humanities: Artificial Intelligence" Forum as part of the R + D + C strategy Forums organized by the Círculo de Bellas Artes, presented the [...]
POSTDATA launches ALBERTI, a language model based on BERT
Within the collaborative event devoted to pre-train models using Flax organized by Huggingface with the collaboration of Google Cloud, the POSTDATA team has launched ALBERTI, a model based on the [...]
Closing the digital gap between poetry and technology
In a digital world, everything comes down to data – and poetry is no exception. “By making poetry available online as machine-readable data, we open the door to new possibilities [...]
POSTDATA Project at the LXAI Workshop @NeurIPS 2020
POSTDATA Project has participated in LXAI Workshop organized on the occasion of the Thirty-fourth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS. This year’s edition was held virtually, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The [...]
POSTDATA Project at the INTELE’s Workshop on Digital Humanities
INTELE Network, the strategic network for the promotion of language technology infrastructures in the humanities and social sciences in Spain, held a workshop on Digital Humanities in Spain and policies [...]
Internships at POSTDATA Project
POSTDATA project (ERC-STG-2015) collaborates with the Center for Guidance and Employment (COIE) of UNED for the incorporation of students to the project. They will collaborate in the annotation of poetic [...]
Best Poster Award from DARIAH-EU for “Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital Humanities research in Spain”
POSTDATA team is pleased to announce that our colleagues Maurizio Toscano, L. Bocanegra Barbecho, Salvador Ros Muñoz and Elena González-Blanco have won DARIAH’s Best Poster Award for their poster ‘Insights [...]
POSTDATA Project at the AISO 2020 Conference
Laura Hernández Lorenzo, Researcher of POSTDATA project, has participated in the AISO 2020 Conference (International Association “Siglo de Oro”) that was held virtually last November 6th, 2020 and was organized [...]
POSTDATA ontologies: a network of ontologies for European Poetry
One of the main goals of POSTDATA is to provide means for researchers on European poetry to publish and consume semantically-enriched data. Thus, developing a poetry ontology is a pillar of its semantic domain. [...]
POSTDATA Project at CLARIN’s Annual Conference 2020
POSTDATA Project has participated in CLARIN’s Annual Conference which was celebrated virtually, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s edition was designed to get the most out of the innovative [...]