Project team

Elena González Blanco García, PhD
Elena González Blanco García, PhDPrincipal Investigator
General Manager of Europe at Coverwallet, Elena is an Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation expert in Language Technologies and Insurtech. Intra-entrepreneur within the Spanish university, Director and Founder of LINHD (Digital Humanities Innovation Lab, Research Center and IT solutions provider). Associate Professor at IE. Executive Committee/Advisory Board Member of key European digital research infrastructures and international associations. Fluent speaker of English, French, German and Italian. Selected as Top100 Female Leader in Spain (2016, 2017, 2018), Julián Marías 2017 Prize for researchers under 40, and #1 and #3 in the Ranking Choiseul 100 Economic Leaders for Tomorrow (2018, 2019).
Salvador Ros Muñoz, PhD
Salvador Ros Muñoz, PhDTechnical Director
Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science, UNED. He is strategical and innovation Manager in Public sector, Head of BigdataLab, Director of the Master of Big Data´’s architectures and technologies at UNED and Coordinator of the module of innovation and Technology in Border Security in the European Master in Strategic Border Management funded by Frontex.( European Agency for Border Control).

Salvador Ros has been Director of Learning Technologies at UNED for six years and Vice Dean of Technologies at Computer Science School for six years. He has graduated in the Leadership Program for Public Sector Management by IESE Bussines School. Universidad de Navarra, in a Strategic Senior Management for Universities by Universidad de Nebrija y Politécnica de Barcelona and the Leadership Program for Innovation and entrepreneurship in Public Sector by Deusto Bussiness School. Universidad de Deusto. He is a senior member of the IEEE Education society since 2007. His research and professional activity are focused on enhanced learning technologies for distance learning scenarios, learning analytics, Bigdata, and an IA applied to Science and Humanities and strategic consultant for the public sector.

Leire Leguina Casas
Leire Leguina CasasProject Manager
Leire holds two Bachelor degrees, in Economics and Law, and a Master’s degree in Arts Management. She was the Cultural Affairs Officer at the Consulate General of Spain in New York for 4 years. Previously, she was Project Manager at Instituto Cervantes’ headquarters in Madrid.
Javier de la Rosa, PhD
Javier de la Rosa, PhDPostdoctoral Fellow
He holds a Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies by the University of Western Ontario and a M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Logic by the University of Seville. He worked as a Research Engineer at Stanford University, and as Technical Lead at the CulturePlex in Canada. At UNED LINHD, he is a member of the POSTDATA Project where he works as a Natural Language Processing Post-doctoral Fellow. His interests span from Corpus Linguistics or Authorship Attribution to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applied to the Humanities..
Álvaro Pérez Pozo
Álvaro Pérez PozoDigital Humanities Researcher
He works on applications of language processing for Digital Humanities. He has worked on sentiment analysis, natural language understanding, and other NLP tasks.
Aitor Díaz Medina
Aitor Díaz MedinaLab Technician
He assists in the development of applications of language processing and he works in in web development and web interface.
Laura Hernández Lorenzo, PhD
Laura Hernández Lorenzo, PhDPostdoctoral Fellow
She holds a PhD in Spanish Literature by the University of Seville. Her PhD dealt with authorship problems in Fernando de Herrera’s poetry through Corpus Stylistics and Stylometry. She has performed research stays at the University of Pavia, the Lehrstuhl für Computerphilologie at Julius-Maximilians Würzburg University and with the Computational Stylistics Group at the Institute of Polish Language. At UNED, she is a member of the POSTDATA project, where she works as Postdoctoral Researcher in Digital Humanities. Her reseach focuses on the application of quantitative, Computational Stylistics and Stylometry methodologies to Spanish Literature, and especially to Spanish Poetry.
Mirella De Sisto, PhD
Mirella De Sisto, PhDPostdoctoral Fellow
She completed a PhD in Linguistics at Radboud University Nijmegen and Meertens Institute (Amsterdam) with a dissertation entitled ‘The interaction between phonology and metre. Approaches to Romance and West-Germanic Renaissance metre’. She has been on a three-month research visit at University of Oxford. She holds a Research Master’s degree in Linguistics by Leiden University and a Bachelor’s degree in Modern European Languages and Literatures by University of Naples Federico II. At UNED, she is a Postdoctoral Researcher of the POSTDATA project. Her fields of interests are Linguistics, in particular, Phonology, Poetic Metre and the application of Digital Tools to their investigation.
Omar Khalil Gómez
Omar Khalil GómezSemantic Web Researcher
Omar holds a Degree in Computer Science and worked three years at the Artificial Intelligence department of UNED as a research assistant. At UNED, he has participated as teaching assistant of the course “Semantic Web and Linked Data for Digital Humanities projects” delivered by the LINHD.He is focused on the design and development of Semantic Web and Linked Data Applications.
Katarzyna Malgorzata Witkowska
Katarzyna Malgorzata WitkowskaNatural Language Processing Researcher
Kasia studied Electronics and Telecommunications at the Technical University of Poznań and Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the Leibniz University of Hannover. She worked as a Machine Learning Engineer for the National Technological University in Argentina and as NLP Engineer for Samsung R&D Institute Poland. Her interests span from Natural Language Processing (especially models’ evaluation) to Cognitive Linguistics.


Clara Isabel Martínez Cantón, PhD
Clara Isabel Martínez Cantón, PhDDigital Humanities Researcher
She has a PhD in Literary Theory (UNED, Spain) with a work on Spanish metrics, dealing principally with contemporary theory and a poet analysis.Her main academic interests deal with the form of poetry and verse and the development and use of scholarly digital tools, especially those for analyzing poetry.
Agustín Caminero, PhD
Agustín Caminero, PhDComputer engineer
He has a M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and he is currently Assistant Professor (Profesor Ayudante Doctor) at the Control and Communication Systems Department UNED, Madrid. His interests include Learning Analytics, Big Data, quality of service support in parallel distributed computing systems, and development of infrastructures for e-learning.
Gimena del Río Riande, PhD
Gimena del Río Riande, PhDDigital Humanities Researcher
She has a PhD in Romance Philology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and she has been working since 2013 on the creation of a Digital Humanities community in Argentina and she is nowadays the vicepresident of the Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales (AAHD).

Scholarship students

Bruno Sartini
Bruno SartiniMaster Student
He has a degree in Languages & Computer Science and currently he’s pursuing a Master Degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge. His main interests are NLP and Distant Reading applied to Literature.
Zoraida Sánchez Mateos, PhD Student
Zoraida Sánchez Mateos, PhD Student Literature Research
She is working as teacher and research of Spanish Literature in the University of Valladolid. She has specialized in the application of stylometry to solve problems of authorship in the poetry of the Golden Age. She also researches how to incorporate digital humanities into philology and teaching.
Patricia Garrido Teixeira
Patricia Garrido TeixeiraMaster Student
She has studied Classical Philology in the University Complutense of Madrid and in the University of Bologna. She is currently studying a Master’s degree in Digital Letters and Advanced Electronic Textualities. She collaborates in the first phase of the project for the development of the semantic model.
Carlos Cardeñoso
Carlos CardeñosoUndergraduate Student
He is working on his final thesis for his degree in Spanish Language and Literature. He has strong experience and professional background in ICT and software development. His field of interest is the relation between Linguistics and Technologies, primarily human-machine interaction.

Former members

Pablo Ruiz, PhD
Pablo Ruiz, PhDLanguage processing Expert
Pablo Ruiz Fabo works on applications of Language Technologies to Digital Humanities. He has worked on orthographic normalization (for social media text), sequence alignment (for automatic subtitling), entity linking and other information extraction tasks.
Elena Álvarez Mellado
Elena Álvarez MelladoResearcher - PhD candidate
She has a degree in Linguistics and has specialized in the field of Computational Linguistics. She has worked on lemmatisation, POS-tagging and corpus linguistics. Among her interests are Natural Language Processing and language technology applications. She is also a keen advocate for popular linguistics.
Llanos Tobarra Abad, PhD
Llanos Tobarra Abad, PhDComputer engineer
She has M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science. He is an Assistant Professor at the Control and Communication Systems Department at UNED, Madrid.
Antonio Robles, PhD
Antonio Robles, PhDComputer engineer
His has M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science. He is an Assistant Professor at the Control and Communication Systems Department at UNED, Madrid. His research interests include quality of service support in distributed systems, development of Big Data infrastructures and algorithms, and learning analytics for distance education.
Rafael Pastor Vargas, PhD
Rafael Pastor Vargas, PhDComputer engineer
He received his M.Sc. degree in physics at Complutense University, and his Ph.D. at UNED. His area of interest is developing innovative services for learning model.
Mariana Curado Malta, PhD
Mariana Curado Malta, PhDSemantic Modeling Expert
She has a PhD in Information Systems and Technologies (University of Minho, Portugal), her Thesis is about the definition of a method for the development of Metdata Application Profiles. She is an assistant professor in the Politechnique of Oporto, Portugal.
Dayana Sofia Asimbaya
Dayana Sofia AsimbayaWeb developer
She has a Diploma in Develop of web applications and she is in studying Informatics Engineering. She is working in web development, web interface and software integration.
Mara Manailescu
Mara ManailescuProject Manager
She has a Diploma in Communication and Public Relation and a Master in International Project Management. Her expertise is in development and implementation of R&D projects financed from the EC Programmes: Horizon 2020, AAL, Eureka, Eurostars, FP7.
Paloma Centenera, PhD
Paloma Centenera, PhD LINHD researcher
Juanjo Escribano
Juanjo EscribanoSoftware Developer
Stefano Versace, PhD
Stefano Versace, PhDLINHD researcher
Luciana Ayciriex
Luciana AyciriexProject Manager
She has a degree in International Relations and a Master’s Degree in International Cooperation, Public Policy Management and Development Programs and Projects. She has been working since 2006 in managing international R&D projects financed from EC Programmes.
Helena Bermúdez Sabel, PhD
Helena Bermúdez Sabel, PhDDigital Humanities Researcher
She has a PhD in Medieval Studies by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Her research focus on digital scholarly editing using XML technologies.
Maria Luisa Diez Platas, PhD
Maria Luisa Diez Platas, PhDDigital Humanities Researcher
She has a degree in Mathematics and the PhD in Computer Science. Her research field is on Natural Language Processing, code optimization, Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Web and Linked Open Data.