With our presentation of POSTDATA project at the VIII International Conference Lyra Minima held in Valladolid-Urueña between 3rd and 5th of October 2016, we opened the window to a new perspective in response to the incresed interest for digital humanities.
The theme of the conference, organized by the University of Valladolid and Joaquín Díaz Foundation has focused on the short genres of oral tradition in the different European cultures and from different interdisciplinary perspectives, ranging from literature and history to anthropology and computer science to understand holistically the complexity of the texts.
One of our researchers, Dr. Clara I. Martínez Canton, has presented on behalf of the POSTDATA project team “The medieval lyric in the XXI century: forms and spaces of movement into the digital media”, work whose authors are Dra. Elena González-Blanco García and Dra. Gimena del Rio Riande, in addition to the speaker.
More about this event and our contribution at LINHD.