The Digital Humanities Innovation Lab and POSTDATA participated in the 4th Conference “Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage” of the Association of Hispanic Digital Humanities, that took place in Toledo, on 23, 24 and 25 October. Professor Salvador Ros and researchers Maurizio Toscano and Aroa Rabadán presented the first results of the research “Impact of Digital Humanities in Spain: researchers, centres, scientific production and financing” within the framework of the H2020 DESIR-DARIAH project.

The presentation highlighted the methodology used for the research and the first results of the data capture. In particular, the visualization of the contribution of the different thematic areas to the discipline, the distribution and concentration of researchers in the different centres, as well as a first approach to the distribution of public and private funding in research projects in Digital Humanities.

The complete study will be presented in November at the DESIR-DARIAH annual meeting in Zagreb.

More information about the Hispanic Digital Humanities Conference:

 Full programme.