Domain Model for European Poetry


Abstract concept of an artistic creation. In POSTDATA these creations must be in verse (poem, play, song)

Eg.: Os Lusíadas by Luis Vaz de Camões; La Commedia by Dante; the poem Ad te deus by an Anonymous author written in between the 7th and 9th centuries
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
altTitle Alternative title 0-1 xsd:string Alternative name, other known denominations of a text or tune
authorEducationLevel Author education level 0-1 xsd:string Level of education of the creator of a text/song (this property has as Domain
“Opus” and not “Person” since the education level of a person changes during time.
This is the education level of the author in the moment of writing the poem)
commentary Commentary 0-1 xsd:string An explanatory series of notes or comments; an explanatory essay or treatise on a
date Date 0-M xsd:string A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is
expected to happen
dateCertainty Date certainty 0-1 xsd:string Level of certainty regarding a stated date
dateNote Notes about the datation 0-M xsd:string Comments in relation to a stated date
domain Literary domain 0-M xsd:string The literary tradition assigned to a composition
from From (date range) 0-1 xsd:string Start date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
to in order to define the range
function Function 0-M xsd:string Purpose of the work (e.g. prayer, spell, curse)
genre Genre 0-M xsd:string Type of art, literature or music characterized by a specific form, content and
isASong Is it sung? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the Redaction was composed to be sung
isCalligram is it a calligram? 0-1 xsd:boolean A calligram is a text visually arranged in a way that it forms an image associated
with the text’s contents
keyword Keyword 0-M xsd:string A significant or descriptive word. Usually, a word used as a reference point for
finding other words or information
language Language 0-M xsd:string Language of the text
literaryPeriod Literary period 0-1 xsd:string Label of a timeframe to group together certain works. Cfr. “school”
notAfter Not after (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the latest possible date
notBefore Not before (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the earliest possible date
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
originalTitle Original title 0-1 xsd:string The identifying name of a text or tune as it appears in its
poeticType Poetic type 0-1 xsd:string Major literary genre of the composition, that is, drama or poetry
setting Setting 0-1 xsd:string Location of the narrative
subtitle Subtitle 0-M xsd:string A secondary, usually explanatory title
summary Summary 0-1 xsd:string Abstract, synopsis, brief outline
theme Theme 0-M xsd:string Subject of a text, song or image
title Title 0-1 xsd:string An identifying name given to a text or tune
to To (date range) 0-1 xsd:string End date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
from in order to define the range
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isTranslation 0-M BibliographicSource isTranslated This property points to a bibliographic reference (an instance of BibliographicSource)
which is a translation of the current item being analysed
hasCreator 0-M Creator creates This property points to the entity Creator that has created the
current work under analysis
isPart 0-M Ensemble hasPart This property points to the instance of Ensemble to which the
Opus at hand belongs
isReferencedIn 0-M Location references This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) whose contents are related to the current item under
analysis (usually, its specific bibliography)
hasMusic 0-M Melody isTheMusic This property points to the instance of Melody that provides the
musical contents of the work under analysis (Opus)
isFrom 0-1 Place isTheOrigin This property points to the Place which is the provenance of the
current instance of Opus
isRealisedThrough 0-M Redaction realises This property points to a text (an instance of Redaction) which is
one of the materialisations of the work under analysis
hasAgent 0-M Role isInvolvedIn This property points to a function (an instance of Role) that has
somehow affected the item at hand (e.g. sponsor)


Representatives of a work, that is, of an Opus. Each version of a work is its own redaction.

Eg.: The palaeographic edition of A solis ortu usque ad occidua preserved in Lat. 1154 (BNF) and its critical edition are two Redaction of the same Opus

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
additionalFile Additional file 0-M xsd:anyURI A file (XML, PFD, plain text) which contains the Redaction and,
likely, other type of analytical information
altTitle Alternative title 0-1 xsd:string Alternative name, other known denominations of a text or tune
audience Audience 0-1 xsd:string The meant readership, viewers or listeners of a cultural product
audienceEducationLevel Audience education level 0-M xsd:string Level of education of the recipients of a text/song
commentary Commentary 0-1 xsd:string An explanatory series of notes or comments; an explanatory essay or treatise on a
date Date 0-M xsd:string A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is
expected to happen
dateCertainty Date certainty 0-1 xsd:string Level of certainty regarding a stated date
dateNote Notes about the datation 0-M xsd:string Comments in relation to a stated date
explicit Explicit 0-1 xsd:string The closing words of the composition (usually, the last verse)
firstLines First lines 0-1 xsd:string Initial verses of the composition
from From (date range) 0-1 xsd:string Start date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
to in order to define the range
function Function 0-M xsd:string Purpose of the text
genre Genre 0-M xsd:string Type of art, literature or music characterized by a specific form, content and
incipit Incipit 0-1 xsd:string The first line of the work
keyword Keyword 0-M xsd:string A significant or descriptive word. Usually, a word used as a reference point for
finding other words or information
language Language 0-M xsd:string Language of the text
lastLines Last lines 0-1 xsd:string Final verses of the composition
layout Layout 0-M xsd:string The arrangement of textual materials (images included) on a page
notAfter Not after (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the latest possible date
notBefore Not before (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the earliest possible date
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
numberOfWitnessesUsed Number of witnesses used for edition 0-1 xsd:integer Number of PrimarySources used in the elaboration of an edition
originalLanguage Original language 0-1 xsd:string The language from which the Redaction/Opus is a
originalTitle Original title 0-1 xsd:string The identifying name of a text or tune as it appears in its
paraphrasis Paraphrasis 0-1 xsd:string The recasting of the contents in words different from that originally used,
whether in the same language or in a translation
sampleText Sample text 0-1 xsd:string Excerpt
setting Setting 0-1 xsd:string Location of the narrative
subtitle Subtitle 0-M xsd:string A secondary, usually explanatory title
text Unstructured textual content 0-1 xsd:string Textual contents in an unstructured manner. The contents of this property do not
allow finer analysis by stanza or line. It can be a text of a diplomatic edition,
semidiplomatic edition or of a critical edition (among others) or even a translation.
The property typeOfRedaction defines the type of Edition or if it is a
textualUnit The type of textual element (e.g. epilogue, prologue, text composed of individual
0-1 xsd:string The type of textual element (e.g. part of a greater ensemble; part of a composed
collection of poems; prologue of a work; epilogue of a work; a chapter of a
title Title 0-M xsd:string An identifying name given to a text or tune
to To (date range) 0-1 xsd:string End date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
from in order to define the range
typeOfRedaction Type of text provided (type of edition) 0-M xsd:string The type of the text provided in the Redaction

Eg.: Diplomatic edition, critical edition, translation

unidentifiedSource Unidentified source 0-M xsd:string There are references that mentioned a PrimarySource for the text at
hand but the real textual artefact has not been identified
witnessesNotUsed Witnesses not used 0-1 xsd:string Primary sources of the text excluded during the elaboration of an edition
(usually, dependent witnesses)
workNumber Work number (poem/song numerical identifier) 0-1 xsd:string Number that identifies the text, for instance, inside a collection
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
hasItem 0-1 Acrostic isContainedIn This property points to the Acrostic contained in the current
instance of the Redaction
isAnalysedThrough 0-M Apparatus analyses This property points to an item (Apparatus) that contains analytical
content about the current instance of Redaction
hasCreator 0-M Creator creates This property points to the entity Creator who has created the
current text under analysis
mentions 0-M Event isMentionedIn This property points to an instance of Event that is referred in the
current under analysis
hasIllustration 0-M Illustration illustrates This property points to the image that acompanies the text
hasRelationsWith 0-M Intertextuality hasRelationsWith This property points to a cultural product (Intertextuality) which
has a generic intertextual relationship with the work under analysis
hasContemporaryRelation 0-M Intertextuality hasContemporaryRelation This property points to a cultural product (Intertextuality) which is
contemporary to the work under analysis and some kind of intertextual relationship is
hasDerivedWork 0-M Intertextuality isDerivedFrom This property points to a cultural product (Intertextuality) which
was based on the work under analysis
usesAsSource 0-M Intertextuality isSource This property points to a cultural product (Intertextuality) which
was a source for the work under analysis
hasFirstLine 0-1 Line isFirstLine This property points to the first line (an instance of Line) which
form the current element under analysis
isAnalysedThrough 0-1 LinePattern analyses This property points to an item (LinePattern) that contains
analytical content about the current instance of Redaction
isEditedIn 0-M Location edits This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) that contains an edition of the current instance of
isIndexedIn 0-M Location indexes This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) in which the current text is indexed
isReferencedIn 0-M Location references This property points to a bibliographic item (an instance of
BibliographicSource) whose contents are related to the current item
under analysis (usually, its specific bibliography)
hasTranslation 0-1 Location providesTranslation This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) which contains a translation of the text at hand
retrievesText 0-1 Location providesText This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) which contains the edition used as the base of text at
isLyrics 0-M Melody hasLyrics This property points to the instance of Melody that provides the
musical contents of the text under analysis (Redaction)
hasMusicalNotation 0-M MusicalNotation isMusicalNotation This property points to an instance of MusicalNotation which contents
a transcription of the melody of this Redaction
realises 0-1 Opus isRealisedThrough This property points to the work (an instance of Opus) of which the
text at hand (the current Redaction) is a materialisation
hasCharacter 0-M Organisation isCharacter This property points to a group of characters, an instance of
Organisation depicted in the text
mentions 0-M Organisation isMentionedIn This property points to an instance of Organisation that is referred
in the current under analysis
hasItem 0-M Paratext providesParatext This property points to an instance of paratextual information
(Paratext) that concerns the Redaction at hand
isUsedIn 0-M Performance usesLyrics This property points to the song/act (an instance of Performance)
that uses the text under analysis (an instance of Redaction)
hasCharacter 0-M Person isCharacter This property points to a character, an instance of Person depicted
in the text
hasEditor 0-M Person edits This property points to one of the persons (an instance of Person)
who has edited the item at hand
isDedicatedTo 0-M Person hasDedication This peroperty points to one of the persons (an instance of Person)
to whom the current text was dedicated
mentions 0-M Person isMentionedIn This property points to an instance of Person that is referred in the
current under analysis
mentions 0-M Place isMentionedIn This property points to an instance of Place that is referred in the
current under analysis
usedForSynthesis 0-1 Redaction isSynthesis This property points to another text (an instance of Redaction) which
is a synthesis of the version at hand (the current Redaction)
hasFirstPart 0-1 Redaction isFirstPart This property points to the first text unit (an instance of
Redaction) which form the current element under analysis
isFirstPart 0-1 Redaction hasFirstPart This property points to the container (an instance of Redaction) of
which the item at hand is its first part
nextPart 0-1 Redaction previousPart This property points to the next text unit (an instance of Redaction)
which, together with the current item, form the same textual unit
previousPart 0-1 Redaction nextPart This property points to the previous text unit (an instance of
Redaction) which, together with the current item, form the same
textual unit
isTranslated 0-M Redaction isTranslation This property points to another work (an instance of Redaction) from
which the current item being analysed was translated
isTranslation 0-1 Redaction isTranslated This property points to another version (an instance of Redaction)
which is a translation of the current item being analysed
isSynthesis 0-M Redaction usedForSynthesis This property points to one of the texts (an instance of Redaction)
which is an analytical version of the text at hand (the current
presents 0-M RhetoricalDevice isPresentIn This property points to an instance of RhetoricalDevice that is
contained in the current item under analysis
presents 0-M Rhyme isPresentIn This property points to an instance of Rhyme that is contained in the
current item under analysis
hasAgent 0-M Role isInvolvedIn This property points to a function (an instance of Role) that has
somehow affected the item at hand (e.g. person who did the collation)
isOrganisedIn 0-M Scene organises This property points to one of the scenes (an instance of Scene) in
which the current text can be divided
hasFirstPart 0-1 Stanza isFirstPart This property points to the first verse unit (an instance of Stanza)
which form the current element under analysis (specially meant for works that combine
both prose and verse)
hasFirstStanza 0-1 Stanza isFirstStanza This property points to the first group of lines (an instance of
Stanza) which form the current element under analysis
hasPart 0-M Stanza isPart This property points to a part of the Redaction, that is, an instance
of Stanza when the ordering of those parts is not relevant. E.g. when
the only requirement is to define the refrain or the tornada but now the whole
isAnalysedThrough 0-1 StanzaPattern analyses This property points to an item (StanzaPattern) that contains
analytical content about the current instance of Redaction
considers 0-M Witness isConsideredBy This property points to one of the witnesses (an instance of Witness)
used for the edition at hand (the current Redaction)
interprets 0-1 Witness isInterpretedBy This property points to the Witness of which the current text is a
documentary edition
isAnalysedThrough 0-1 WorkPattern analyses This property points to an item (WorkPattern) that contains
analytical content about the current instance of Redaction


An entity primarily responsible for making a resource

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
certainty Certainty 0-1 xsd:string Level of confidence regarding the authorship
isAnonymous Is its identity anonymous? 0-1 xsd:boolean In case the identity of current instance of Creator is unknown
isWrongAttribution Is this a wrong attribution? 0-1 xsd:boolean In case the identity of the current instance of Creator is certainly
a wrong attribution
penName Pen name 0-1 xsd:string A fictitious name, especially a pen name. A variant name
typeOfDesignation Type of designation/name 0-1 xsd:string Type of designation/name. E.g. pseudonym, heteronym, allonym, orthonym
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isMentionedIn 0-M Acrostic mentions This property points to the Acrostic where the current instance of
Creator is mentioned as the author of the work
creates 0-M BibliographicSource hasCreator This property points to a bibliographic item (an instance of
BibliographicSource) which was authored by the current
creates 0-M Ensemble hasCreator This property points to a collection of works (an instance of
Ensemble) which was authored by the current Person
creates 0-M Intertextuality hasCreator This property points to a cultural product (an instance of
Intertextuality) which was authored by the current
creates 0-M Melody hasCreator This property points to a tune (an instance of Melody) which was
authored by the current Creator
creates 0-M Opus hasCreator This property points to a work (an instance of Opus) which was
authored by the current Creator
isA 0-M Organisation participatesAs This property points to the instance of Organisation that corresponds
the current Creator
isMentionedIn 0-M Paratext mentions This property points to the Acrostic where the current instance of
Creator is mentioned as the author of the work (e.g. index
creates 0-M Paratext hasCreator This property points to a textual content (an instance of Paratext)
which was authored by the current Creator
isA 0-M Person participatesAs This property points to the instance of Person that corresponds the
current Creator
creates 0-M Redaction hasCreator This property points to a text (an instance of Redaction) which was
authored by the current Creator
creates 0-M Stanza hasCreator This property points to a group of lines (an instance of Stanza)
which was authored by the current Creator


A text or ensembles of texts preserved in a PrimarySource. Following with the example given in the description of PrimarySource, that song by Martim Codax has three witnesses

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
ageOfInformant Age of informant 0-1 xsd:string Age of informer at the time the information is recorded
context Context (e.g. surrounding texts) 0-1 xsd:string Information about the texts surrounding the witness of the poem in the given
dateOfCollection Date of collection 0-1 xsd:string Date when the textual materials are recorded
dimensions Dimensions 0-1 xsd:string Surface size, that is, dimensions of the page (in case the artifact is a book), of
the stone, etc.
explicit Explicit 0-1 xsd:string The closing words of the composition (usually, the last verse)
firstLines First lines 0-1 xsd:string Initial verses of the composition
hasMusicSpace Does it have space meant for music notation? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether there was blank space for music notation
hasMusicalNotation Does it have musical notation? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the witness contains musical notation
incipit Incipit 0-1 xsd:string The first line of the work
integrity Integrity 0-1 xsd:string Preservation status of text
isAutograph is it an autograph? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the witness is an autograph, that is, if it is transcribed entirely in the
handwriting of its author
isDuplicate Has this poem been copied twice in the same source? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether there is another witness for the same Opus in the same
isPrint Is it print? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the item is printed
isRefrainOmitted Has the refrain been omitted? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the copy of the refrain was omitted
lastLines Last lines 0-1 xsd:string Final verses of the composition
layoutNote Layout note 0-1 xsd:string Commentary on the layout
locus Locus (location) 0-1 xsd:string The particular position of the item at hand in relation to the
numberOfColumns Number of columns 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of columns the copy occupies
numberOfPages Number of pages 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of pages the copy occupies
numberOfRows Number of rows 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of continuous lines of writing
numberOfStaves Number of staves 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of staves
quireNumber Quire number 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of quire
quireStructure Quire structure 0-1 xsd:string Structure of the quires
siglum Siglum 0-1 xsd:string A letter or symbol which stands for a word or name, especially to denote a
particular manuscript or edition of a text
title Title 0-M xsd:string An identifying name given to a text or tune
volumeNumber Volume number 0-1 xsd:string Number of the volume
workNumber Work number 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of the work in the PrimarySource or edition
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
hasReading 0-M Apparatus isReading This property points to the Apparatus entry which contains a reading
from this instance of Witness
isReproducedIn 0-M Facsimile reproduces This property points to a Facsimile of the current instance of
hasItem 0-M Illustration isContainedIn This property points to one of the miniatures (an instance of
Illustration) contained by the Witness at hand
isEditedIn 0-M Location edits This property points to the specific part of a bibliographic item
(Location) where an edition of the current instance of
Witness is located
hasMusicalNotation 0-M MusicalNotation isMusicalNotation This property points to an instance of MusicalNotation which contents
an edition of the musical content preserved in the current
hasItem 0-M Paratext providesParatext This property points to an instance of paratextual information
(Paratext) contained by the Witness at hand
hasInformant 0-M Person informs This property points to one of the persons (an instance of Person)
who has participated as an informant for the materials of the current instance of
isFrom 0-1 Place isTheOrigin This property points to the Place which is the provenance of the
current instance of Witness
isPart 0-1 PrimarySource hasPart This property points to the instance of PrimarySource to which the
Witness at hand belongs
hasReading 0-M Reading isReading This property points to the Apparatus entry which contains a reading
from this instance of Witness
isConsideredBy 0-M Redaction considers This property points to the text (an instance of Redaction) that used
the current item as one of its witnesses
isInterpretedBy 0-M Redaction interprets This property points to the text (an instance of Redaction) which is
a documentary edition of the item at hand
hasAgent 0-M Role isInvolvedIn This property points to a function (an instance of Role) that has
somehow affected the item at hand (e.g. printer, collector of materials, copyist,
isConsideredBy 0-M Stanza considers This property points to the stanza/group of lines (an instance of
Stanza) that used the current item as one of its witnesses
isInterpretedBy 0-M Stanza interprets This property points to the stanza/group of lines (an instance of
Stanza) which is a documentary edition of the item at hand
nextWitnessInCollection 0-1 Witness previousWitnessInCollection This property points to an instance of Witness which follows the
current item under analysis
previousWitnessInCollection 0-1 Witness nextWitnessInCollection This property points to an instance of Witness which preceeds the
current item under analysis
isPart 0-1 WitnessCollection hasPart This property points to the instance of WitnessCollection to which
the Witness at hand belongs


Section or ensemble of witnesses related in the PrimarySource

Eg.: Each of the individual booksongs that form a collection in a codex
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
ageOfInformant Age of informant 0-1 xsd:decimal Age of informer at the time the information is recorded
dateOfCollection Date of collection 0-1 xsd:string Date when the textual materials are recorded
hasMusicSpace Does it have space for music notation? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether there was blank space for music notation
integrity Integrity 0-1 xsd:string Preservation status of text
isPrint Is it print? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the item is printed
layoutNote Layout note 0-1 xsd:string Commentary on the layout
locus Locus (location) 0-1 xsd:string The particular position of the item at hand in relation to the
numberOfColumns Number of columns 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of columns the copy occupies
numberOfPages Number of pages 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of pages the copy occupies
numberOfRows Number of rows 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of continuous lines of writing
numberOfStaves Number of staves 0-1 xsd:decimal Number of staves
siglum Siglum 0-1 xsd:string A letter or symbol which stands for a word or name, especially to denote a
particular manuscript or edition of a text
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isReproducedIn 0-M Facsimile reproduces This property points to a Facsimile of the current instance of
hasItem 0-M Illustration isContainedIn This property points to one of the miniatures (an instance of
Illustration) contained by the WitnessCollection at
isEditedIn 0-M Location edits This property points to the specif part of a bibliographic item
(Location) where an edition of the current instance of
WitnessCollection is located
hasItem 0-M Paratext providesParatext This property points to an instance of paratextual information
(Paratext) contained by the WitnessCollection at
hasEditor 0-M Person edits This property points to the Person who has edited the current
instance of the WitnessCollection
hasInformant 0-M Person informs This property points to one of the persons (an instance of Person)
who has participated as an informant for the materials of the current instance of
isFrom 0-1 Place isTheOrigin This property points to the Place which is the provenance of the
current instance of WitnessCollection
isPart 0-1 PrimarySource hasPart This property points to the instance of PrimarySource to which the
WitnessCollection at hand belongs
hasAgent 0-M Role isInvolvedIn This property points to a function (an instance of Role) that has
somehow affected the item at hand (e.g. printer, collector of materials, copyist,
hasPart 0-M Witness isPart This property points to one of the witnesses (an instance of Witness)
that form the current instance of the WitnessCollection


It is an artefact, a document, autograph, manuscript, a printed book, a stone or other source of information that transmits the Opus. A PrimarySource must be contemporary to the creation of the Opus or, otherwise, the earliest recordings of the Opus which are available

Eg.: The song Ondas do Mar de Vigo by Martim Codax has three PrimarySource: two booksongs copiedin the 16th century and a piece of parchment from the 13th century
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
altTitle Alternative title 0-1 xsd:string Alternative name, other known denominations of a text or tune
audio Audio content 0-M xsd:anyURI Sound recording that reproduces the work when this recording is used as
catalogueNumber Catalogue number 0-1 xsd:string Alphanumeric string used to identify an item in a Repository
class Classification 0-M xsd:string Classification of the item at hand
collectionName Collection name 0-1 xsd:string Name of the repository collection in which the item is kept
copyright Copyright 0-1 xsd:string Legal statement about the ownership of the item and its use
date Date 0-M xsd:string A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is
expected to happen
dateCertainty Date certainty 0-1 xsd:string Level of certainty regarding a stated date
dimensions Dimensions 0-1 xsd:string Surface size, that is, dimensions of the page (in case the artifact is a book), of
the stone, etc.
editionCriteria Edition criteria 0-1 xsd:string Edition criteria followed in the artefact used as source (for instance, the
transcription criteria used in a folklore booksong)
firstEditionDate Date of first edition 0-1 xsd:string Date of first edition
foliationType Foliation type 0-1 xsd:string Unit of reference: folio or page
from From (date range) 0-1 xsd:string Start date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
to in order to define the range
function Function 0-M xsd:string Purpose of the PrimarySource (e.g. private or public)
hasDecoration Is it decorated? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether it is an illuminated manuscript or other type of artefact with
hasMusicalNotation Does it have musical notation? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the primary source contains musical notation
integrity Integrity level 0-1 xsd:string Preservation status of text
isAutograph is it an autograph? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the primary source is an autograph, that is, if it is transcribed entirely
in the handwriting of its author
isPrint Is it print? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the item is printed
isSongBookByAuthor Is the songbook organised by author? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the PrimarySource, a song book, is organised by
language Language 0-M xsd:string Language of the text
layout Layout 0-M xsd:string The arrangement of textual materials (images included) on a page
notAfter Not after (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the latest possible date
notBefore Not before (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the earliest possible date
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
numberOfFolios Number of folios 0-1 xsd:integer Number of folios
numberOfHands Number of hands 0-1 xsd:integer Number of scribes that participated in the copy
numberOfPages Number of pages 0-1 xsd:integer Number of pages the copy occupies
numberOfVolumes Number of volumes 0-1 xsd:integer Total number of volumes
numberOfWorks Number of works 0-1 xsd:integer Total number of works preserved in the PrimarySource
pubPlace Place of publication 0-1 xsd:string Place of publication of the bibliographic item
publisher Publisher 0-1 xsd:string Publisher/publishing house of the bibliographic item
religiousAffiliation Religious affiliation 0-1 xsd:string Association of a person or a text with a religion, denomination or
sub–denominational religious group
repositoryUrl URL to a repository 0-1 xsd:anyURI URL to a repository entry related to the item at hand
script Script 0-M xsd:string Style of the handwriting
series Series 0-1 xsd:string Name of reference for a set of successive volumes or issues of a periodical
published in like form with similarity of subject or purpose
seriesNumber Series number 0-1 xsd:string Number of the current item in a series set
siglum Siglum 0-1 xsd:string A letter or symbol which stands for a word or name, especially to denote a
particular manuscript or edition of a text
sourceType Source type 0-M xsd:string Documents if the record was created from de visu inspection or from a
support Support 0-1 xsd:string Type of material of the PrimarySource (e.g. parchment)
title Title 0-M xsd:string An identifying name given to a text or tune
to To (date range) 0-1 xsd:string End date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
from in order to define the range
toc Table of contents 0-1 xsd:string Table of contents
volumeNumber Volume number 0-1 xsd:string Number of the volume
writingTechnique Method used for writing 0-1 xsd:string Technique used for the implementation of writing (e.g. pigments, inscription,
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
hasTheSameContent 0-M BibliographicSource hasTheSameContent This property points to a bibliographic item (an instance of
BibliographicSource) that has the same contents as the item at
isReproducedIn 0-M Facsimile reproduces This property points to a Facsimile of the current instance of
isCataloguedIn 0-M Location catalogues This property points to the specific location in a catalogue(an instance of
Location) which references the item at hand
isEditedIn 0-M Location edits This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) that contains an edition of the current instance of
isReferencedIn 0-M Location references This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) whose contents are related to the current item under
analysis (usually, its specific bibliography)
hasMusicalNotation 0-M MusicalNotation isMusicalNotation This property points to an instance of MusicalNotation which contents
an edition of the musical content preserved in the current
hasItem 0-M Paratext providesParatext This property points to an instance of paratextual information
(Paratext) contained by the PrimarySource at hand
hasInformant 0-M Person informs This property points to one of the persons (an instance of Person)
who has participated as an informant for the materials of the current instance of
hasTranslator 0-M Person translates This property points to one of the persons (an instance of Person)
who has translated the item under analysis (PrimarySource)
isFrom 0-1 Place isTheOrigin This property points to the Place which is the provenance of the
current instance of PrimarySource
belongsTo 0-1 Repository hasItem This property points to the instance of Repository in which the
current item is kept
hasAgent 0-M Role isInvolvedIn This property points to a function (an instance of Role) that has
somehow affected the item at hand (e.g. printer, collector of materials, copyist,
hasPart 0-M Witness isPart This property points to one of the witnesses (a instance of Witness)
that form the current instance of the PrimarySource
hasPart 0-M WitnessCollection isPart This property points to one of the distinct manuscripts or parts of a manuscript
(a instance of WitnessCollection) when the current instance of the
PrimarySource is a composite manuscript. It might also point to any
subdivision of the current instance of the PrimarySource


An exact copy, especially of written or printed material. E.g.: A facsimile of the manuscript

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
additionalFile Additional file 0-M xsd:anyURI A file (XML, PFD, plain text) which contains the Redaction and,
likely, other type of analytical information
copyright Copyright 0-1 xsd:string Legal statement about the ownership of the item and its use
locus Locus (location) 0-1 xsd:string The particular position of a piece of information in a text
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
siglum Siglum 0-1 xsd:string A letter or symbol which stands for a word or name, especially to denote a
particular manuscript or edition of a text
url URL 0-M xsd:anyURI Reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and
a mechanism for retrieving it
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
hasFirstPart 0-1 Facsimile isFirstPart This property points to the first subcomponent of a Facsimile,
isFirstPart 0-1 Facsimile hasFirstPart This property points to the Facsimile which contains the current instance of Facsimile
nextPart 0-1 Facsimile previousPart This property points to a Facsimile instance that follows the current
item under analysis
previousPart 0-1 Facsimile nextPart This property points to a Facsimile instance that preceeds the
current item under analysis
isEditedIn 0-M Location edits This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) that contains the current instance of
reproduces 0-1 PrimarySource isReproducedIn This property points to an instance of PrimarySource whose facsimile
reproduction is contained in the item at hand
isProvidedBy 0-1 Repository provides This property points to the Repository that gives access to the
current instance of Facsimile
reproduces 0-1 Witness isReproducedIn This property points to an instance of Witness whose facsimile
reproduction is contained in the item at hand
reproduces 0-1 WitnessCollection isReproducedIn This property points to an instance of WitnessCollection whose
facsimile reproduction is contained in the item at hand


A building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music. It also applies for computer systems that store information

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
name Name 0-1 xsd:string Contains a proper noun or noun phrase that refers the current item
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
hasItem 0-M BibliographicSource belongsTo This property points to the bibliographic item (an instance of
BibliographicSource) which is kept in the Repository at
provides 0-M Facsimile isProvidedBy This property points to the instance of Facsimile that are accessed
from the current Repository
isLocatedIn 0-1 Place hasItem This property points to the Place where the current
Repository is located
hasItem 0-M PrimarySource belongsTo This property points to an artifact (an instance of PrimarySource)
which is kept in the Repository at hand


It represents and/or describes a specific resource (published or unpublished). This class includes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, usually a bibliographic description of a printed edition

Eg.: Vasconcelos, Carolina Michaëlis de. Randglossen zum altportugiesischen Liederbuch, 1902.
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
altTitle Additional title 0-1 xsd:string Alternative name, other known denominations of a text or tune
catalogueNumber Catalogue number 0-1 xsd:string Alphanumeric string used to identify an item in a Repository
date Date of publication 0-M xsd:string A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is
expected to happen
dateCertainty Date certainty 0-1 xsd:string Level of certainty regarding a stated date
editionNumber Number of edition 0-1 xsd:string Number of edition
firstEditionDate Date of first edition 0-1 xsd:string Date of first edition
from From (date range) 0-1 xsd:string Start date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
to in order to define the range
issueNumber Issue Number 0-1 xsd:string Number of issue
label Label 0-1 xsd:string String used to identify the item
language Language 0-M xsd:string Language of the text
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
numberOfPages Number of pages 0-1 xsd:integer Total number of pages of the bibliographic item
numberOfVolumes Number of volumes 0-1 xsd:integer Total number of volumes
pubPlace Place of publication 0-1 xsd:string Place of publication of the bibliographic item
publisher Publisher 0-1 xsd:string Publisher/publishing house of the bibliographic item
scope Scope 0-1 xsd:string Range of pages were the current item is located
sectionNumber Number of section/chapter 0-1 xsd:string Number of the current item when it belongs to a greater unit (e.g. number of
series Series 0-1 xsd:string Name of reference for a set of successive volumes or issues of a periodical
published in like form with similarity of subject or purpose
seriesNumber Series number 0-1 xsd:string Number of the current item in a series set
subtitle Subtitle 0-M xsd:string A secondary, usually explanatory title
summary Summary 0-1 xsd:string Abstract, synopsis, brief outline
title Title 0-1 xsd:string An identifying name given to a text or tune
to To (date range) 0-1 xsd:string End date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
from in order to define the range
typeOfBibliographicItem Type of bibliographic item 0-1 xsd:string Type of the item

Eg.: chapter, catalogue, glossary, rhyming inventory,

typeOfEdition Type of edition 0-M xsd:string If the bibliographic item is (or contains) an edition of the Opus,
specify its typeEg.: diplomatic edition
uri URI 0-1 xsd:anyURI URI to a Linked Open Data resource
url URL 0-M xsd:anyURI Reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and
a mechanism for retrieving it
volumeNumber Volume number 0-1 xsd:string Number of the volume
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isPart 0-1 BibliographicSource hasPart This property points to the bibliographic item (BibliographicSource)
that contains the current instance of BibliographicSource
hasPart 0-M BibliographicSource isPart This property points to a section (an instance of
BibliographicSource) contained in the item at hand
hasCreator 0-M Creator creates This property points to the entity Creator that has created the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
refersThrough 0-M Location refersAsPart This property points to a specific Location (eg. volume, page number)
of bibliographic item at hand in which a relevant piece of information is
isTranslated 0-1 Opus isTranslation This property points to the work (and instance of Opus) of which the
current reference (the instance at hand of
BibliographicSource) is a translation
hasEditor 0-M Organisation edits This property points to the Organisation that has created the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
hasEditor 0-M Person edits This property points to the Person that has edited the bibliographic
item at hand, that is, the current instance of BibliographicSource
hasTranslator 0-M Person isTranslator This property points to the Person that has translated the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
hasTheSameContent 0-M PrimarySource hasTheSameContent This property points to an instance of PrimarySource that has the
same contents as the item at hand
belongsTo 0-1 Repository hasItem This property points to the library or other type of repository where the
bibliographic item (the current instance of BibliographicSource) is
hasAgent 0-M Role isInvolvedIn This property points to a function (an instance of Role) that has
somehow affected the item at hand (e.g. printer, collector of materials, copyist,


The particular position of a piece of information in a text

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
date Date 0-M xsd:string Date of creation of the specific piece of information referred in the current
instance of Location
identifier Identifier 0-1 xsd:string Supplies any form of identifier used to associate a work in relation to the
locus Locus (location) 0-1 xsd:string The particular position of a piece of information in a text
url URL 0-M xsd:anyURI Reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and
a mechanism for retrieving it
workNumber Work number (poem/song numerical identifier) 0-1 xsd:string Number that identifies the work in the BibliographicSource
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
refersAsPart 1 BibliographicSource refersThrough This property points to the BibliographicSource of which the current
instance of Location defines a section
edits 0-M Ensemble isEditedIn This property points to the Ensemble that is edited in the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
references 0-M Ensemble isReferencedIn This property points to a Ensemble that is mentioned in the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
records 0-M Event isRecordedBy This property points to a Event that is presented in the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
edits 0-M Facsimile isEditedIn This property points to the Facsimile that is edited in the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
edits 0-M Melody isEditedIn This property points to the Melody that is edited in the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
references 0-M Melody isReferencedIn This property points to a Melody that is mentioned in the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
references 0-M Opus isReferencedIn This property points to a Opus that is mentioned a specific point of
a bibliographic, that is, the current instance of Location
references 0-M Person isReferencedIn This property points to a Person that is mentioned a specific point
of a bibliographic, that is, the current instance of Location
isEditionOfAuthor 0-M Person authorIsEditedIn This property points to the Person whose work is edited in the
bibliographic item at hand (the current instance of
catalogues 0-M PrimarySource isCataloguedIn This property points to the PrimarySource that is indexed or
catalogued in the bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
edits 0-M PrimarySource isEditedIn This property points to the PrimarySource that is edited in the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
references 0-M PrimarySource isReferencedIn This property points to a PrimarySource that is mentioned in the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
edits 0-M Redaction isEditedIn This property points to an instance of Redaction for which the item
at hand contains an edition
providesText 0-1 Redaction retrievesText This property points to the Redaction whose text was copied from a
specific point of a bibliographic item, that is, the current instance of
references 0-M Redaction isReferencedIn This property points to a Redaction that is mentioned a specific
point of a bibliographic, that is, the current instance of Location
indexes 0-M Redaction isIndexedIn This property points to the Redaction that was indexed in the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of Location
providesTranslation 0-M Redaction hasTranslation This property points to the Redaction whose text was copied from the
bibliographic item at hand, that is, the current instance of
references 0-M Stanza isReferencedIn This property points to a Stanza that is mentioned in a specific
point of a bibliographic, that is, the current instance of
edits 0-M Stanza isEditedIn This property points to an instance of Stanza for which the item at
hand contains an edition
references 0-1 StanzaPattern isReferencedIn This property points to a StanzaPattern that is mentioned a specific
point of a bibliographic, that is, the current instance of Location
edits 0-M Witness isEditedIn This property points to an instance of Witness for which the item at
hand contains an edition
edits 0-M WitnessCollection isEditedIn This property points to an instance of WitnessCollection for which
the item at hand contains an edition
references 0-M Word isReferencedIn This property points to a Word that is mentioned in a specific point
of a bibliographic, that is, the current instance of Location (which is,
most likely, a dictionary)
references 0-1 WorkPattern isReferencedIn This property points to a WorkPattern that is mentioned a specific
point of a bibliographic, that is, the current instance of Location


Shared textual materials between two or more contemporary texts; Text from which information or ideas are derived for the composition of the Opus/Redaction;Text that took information or ideas from the Opus/Redaction

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
description Description 0-1 xsd:string A statement or an account characterising the intertextual relationship
incipit Incipit 0-1 xsd:string The first line of the work with which there is intertextual relationship
locus Locus (location) 0-1 xsd:string The particular position of the work under analysis about which intertextual
relationships are being defined
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
reference Reference 0-1 xsd:string A non-structured mention of the textual source with which there is intertextual
referenceLocation Reference location 0-1 xsd:string The location of the relevant piece of information in that particular textual
source with which there is intertextual relationships
sampleText Sample text 0-1 xsd:string Excerpt of the textual source with which there is intertextual
summary Summary 0-1 xsd:string Abstract, synopsis, brief outline of the textual source with which there is
intertextual relationships
title Title 0-M xsd:string An identifying name given to a text or tune
typeOfIntertextuality Type of work according to intertextuality 0-M xsd:string Categorisation of the work under analysis depending on the relationship between
this work and other texts. E.g. “contrafactum”, “de seguir”, etc.
uri URI 0-1 xsd:anyURI URI to a Linked Open Data resource with the textual source with which there is
intertextual relationships
url URL 0-1 xsd:string Reference to a web resource with the textual source with which there is
intertextual relationships
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
hasCreator 0-M Creator creates This property points to the entity Creator that has created the
current cultural product under analysis
isDerivedFrom 0-M Redaction hasDerivedWork This property points to the text under analysis (Redaction) which has
been a source for the current cultural product
isSource 0-M Redaction usesAsSource This property points to the text under analysis (Redaction) from
which the current cultural product has derived
hasRelationsWith 0-M Redaction hasRelationsWith This property points to the text under analysis (Redaction) with
which the current cultural product has a generic intertextual relationship
hasContemporaryRelation 0-M Redaction hasContemporaryRelation This property points to the work under analysis (Redaction) with
which the current cultural product, that is contemporary to it, has some kind of
intertextual relationship


A human being regarded as an individual. This person could have existed in real life or it may be fictional.

Eg.: D. Quijote de la Mancha
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
addName Additional name component 0-1 xsd:string It contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias,
or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name
altName Alternative name 0-M xsd:string Alternative name that references the current item
biography Biography 0-1 xsd:string An account of a person’s life written, composed, or produced by another
birthDate Date of birth 0-1 xsd:string Date of birth
birthDateCertainty Birthdate certainty 0-1 xsd:string Certainty of the date of birth
birthPlaceCertainty Birthplace certainty 0-1 xsd:string Certainty of the place of origin
dateNote Notes about the datation 0-M xsd:string Comments in relation to a stated date
deathDate Date of death 0-1 xsd:string Date of death
ethnicity Ethnicity 0-M xsd:string An ethnic group; a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture,
religion, language, or the like
floruit Floruit 0-1 xsd:string A person’s period of activity (to use when a range cannot be stablished; eg. “3rd
floruitFrom Floruit from 0-1 xsd:string Beginning of a person’s period of activity
floruitTo Floruit to 0-1 xsd:string Ending of a person’s period of activity
forename Forename 0-1 xsd:string It contains a forename, given or baptismal name
genName Generational title 0-1 xsd:string It contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the
basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named
gender Gender 0-1 xsd:string The gender of the Person
isFictional Is this person a fictional character? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the person under analysis is a fictional character
literaryPeriod Literary period 0-1 xsd:string Label of a timeframe to group together certain works. Cfr.
name Name 0-1 xsd:string Contains a proper noun or noun phrase that refers the current item
nameLink Name link 0-1 xsd:string Contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part
of it, such as van der or of
nationality Nationality 0-M xsd:string An ethnic group forming a part of one or more political nations
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
originalName Original name 0-1 xsd:string Non-normalised name (e.g. name as it appears in a
portrait Portrait 0-M xsd:string URL to a digital image file that depicts the person
religiousAffiliation Religious affiliation 0-1 xsd:string Association of a person or a text with a religion, denomination or
sub–denominational religious group
roleName Role name 0-1 xsd:string contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role
or position in society, such as an official title or rank
school School 0-M xsd:string Literary movement/school of the author
socialStatus Social status 0-1 xsd:string The social status of the Person, that is the position or rank of a
Person within the society
sourceNote Source note 0-1 xsd:string Note about the source used to give a particular piece of information
surname Surname 0-1 xsd:string Contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick
uri URI 0-1 xsd:anyURI URI to an authority archive, such as the The Virtual International Authority File
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isMentionedIn 0-M Acrostic mentions This property points to a acrostic (an instance of Acrostic) that
records the current item under analysis
edits 0-M BibliographicSource hasEditor This property points to a bibliographic item (an instance of
BibliographicSource) which was edited by the current
isTranslator 0-M BibliographicSource hasTranslator This property points to a bibliographic item (an instance of
BibliographicSource) which was translated by the current
participatesAs 0-M Creator isA This property points to the instance of Creator that identifies the
current Person as the creator of a cultural product
edits 0-M Ensemble hasEditor This property points to an instance of Ensemble which was edited by
the the current Person
isInvolvedIn 0-M Event involves This property points to an event (an instance of Event) in which the
current Person has participated
isMentionedIn 0-M Line mentions This property points to a acrostic (an instance of Acrostic) that
records the current item under analysis
authorIsEditedIn 0-M Location isEditionOfAuthor This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) of the current author under analysis
isReferencedIn 0-M Location references This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance
of Location) whose contents are related to the current item under
analysis (usually, its specific bibliography)
isPart 0-M Organisation hasMember This property points to the instance of Organisation to which the
Person at hand belongs
isMentionedIn 0-M Paratext mentions This property points to a Person that is recorded in the current
instance of the Paratext
editsAuthor 0-M Person authorHasEditor This property points to an author (instance of Person) who was edited
by the the current Person
authorHasEditor 0-M Person editsAuthor This property points to one of the persons (an instance of Person)
who has edited the work of the under analysis (the current instance of
isFrom 0-1 Place isTheOrigin This property points to the Place which is the provenance of the
current instance of Person
diedIn 0-1 Place isDeathPlace This property points to the instance of Place where the current
Person has died
informs 0-M PrimarySource hasInformant This property points to the artifact (an instance of PrimarySource)
for whose textual contents the current Person acted as an
translates 0-M PrimarySource hasTranslator This property points to the artifact (an instance of PrimarySource)
which was translated by the current Person
isCharacter 0-M Redaction hasCharacter This property points to the text in which the current instance of
Person is a character
edits 0-M Redaction hasEditor This property points to an instance of Redaction which was edited by
the the current Person
hasDedication 0-M Redaction isDedicatedTo This property points to the text (an instance of Redaction) which was
dedicated to the current Person
isMentionedIn 0-M Redaction mentions This property points to a acrostic (an instance of Acrostic) that
records the current item under analysis
hasAgent 0-M Role isAssignedTo This property points to one of the roles (an instance of Role)
performed by the current Person
isAffectedBy 0-M Role affects This property points, for instance, to a patron (an instance of Role)
who supports the Person at hand (a poet)
edits 0-M Stanza hasEditor This property points to an instance of Stanza which was edited by the
the current Person
informs 0-M Witness hasInformant This property points to a text (an instance of Witness) for whose
textual contents the current Person acted as an informant
edits 0-M WitnessCollection hasEditor This property points to an instance of WitnessCollection which was
edited by the the current Person
informs 0-M WitnessCollection hasInformant This property points to a set of texts (an instance of
WitnessCollection) for whose textual contents the current
Person acted as an informant


Function of a person or character
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
certainty Certainty 0-1 xsd:string Level of confidence regarding the function
date Date 0-M xsd:string A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is
expected to happen
dateCertainty Date certainty 0-1 xsd:string Level of certainty regarding a stated date
description Description of the role 0-1 xsd:string A statement or an account characterising the role under analysis
from From (date range) 0-1 xsd:string Start date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
to in order to define the range
notAfter Not after (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the latest possible date
notBefore Not before (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the earliest possible date
role Role 0-1 xsd:string Function of a person or character. In a play, it is the part played by a
roleFunction Function/position 0-M xsd:string Job performed by some agent (e.g. sponsor, actor, collector, singer, arranger,
to To (date range) 0-1 xsd:string End date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with
from in order to define the range
typeOfCharacter Type of character 0-M xsd:string Type of character (eg. “main”, “antagonist”, etc.)
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isInvolvedIn 0-M BibliographicSource hasAgent This property points to the instance of Witness affected by the
current function
isInvolvedIn 0-M MusicalNotation hasAgent This property points to the instance of MusicalNotation affected by
the current function
isInvolvedIn 0-M Opus hasAgent This property points to the work (instance of Opus) which depicts the
Role at hand in relation to its contents. When the Role
at hand is related to the agents that participated in the transmission of the work
(e.g. sponsor), this property points to the entity affected by the current
isAssignedTo 0-M Organisation hasAgent This property points to an instance of Organisation that performs the
current Role
isMentionedIn 0-M Paratext mentionsAgent This property points to an instance of Paratext in which the current
item under analysis is referenced
isInvolvedIn 0-M Performance hasAgent This property points to the act/song (instance of Performance) which
depicts the Role at hand in relation to its contents. When the
Role at hand is related to the agents that participated in the
transmission of the work (e.g. sponsor), this property points to the entity affected
by the current function
isAssignedTo 0-M Person hasAgent This property points to one of the persons (instance of Person) to
whom the current Role belongs
affects 0-M Person isAffectedBy This property points to an instance of Person who is affected by the
current function (e.g. the person who benefits from a patronage)
isInvolvedIn 0-M PrimarySource hasAgent This property points to the instance of PrimarySource affected by the
current function
isInvolvedIn 0-M Redaction hasAgent This property points to the text (instance of Redaction) which
depicts the Role at hand in relation to its contents. When the
Role at hand is related to the agents that participated in the
transmission of the work (e.g. sponsor), this property points to the entity affected
by the current function
affects 0-M Role isAffectedBy This property points to an instance of Role who is affected by the
current function (e.g. the role performed by an actress)
isAffectedBy 0-M Role affects This property points to an instance of Role that affects the current
role (e.g. actress who performs the role at hand)
isInvolvedIn 0-M Witness hasAgent This property points to the instance of Witness affected by the
current function
isInvolvedIn 0-M WitnessCollection hasAgent This property points to the instance of WitnessCollection affected by
the current function


Named collection of people regarded as a single unit

Eg.: Typical examples include institutions such as ‘UNED’ or ‘the BBC’ and businesses such as ‘Google’ but also racial or ethnic groupings or political factions where these are regarded as forming a single agency such as ‘the Carthaginians’ or ‘the Communists’
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
address Address 0-1 xsd:string Contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organisation, or an individual
name Name 0-1 xsd:string Contains a proper noun or noun phrase that refers the current item
uri URI 0-1 xsd:anyURI URI to a Linked Open Data resource
url URL 0-M xsd:anyURI Reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
edits 0-M BibliographicSource hasEditor This property points to a bibliographic item (an instance of BibliographicSource) which was edited by the current Organisation
participatesAs 0-M Creator isA This property points to the instance of Creator that identifies the current Organisation as the creator of a cultural product
isInvolvedIn 0-M Event involves This property points to the Event in which the current instance of Organisation is referenced
isMentionedIn 0-M Line mentions This property points to the Line in which the current instance of Organisation is referenced
isMentionedIn 0-M Paratext mentions This property points to the Paratext in which the current instance of Organisation is referenced
hasMember 0-M Person isPart This property points to one of the persons (instance of Person) who belongs to the current Organisation
isFrom 0-1 Place isTheOrigin This property points to the Place which is the provenance of the current instance of Organisation
isMentionedIn 0-M Redaction mentions This property points to the Redaction in which the current instance of Organisation is referenced
isCharacter 0-M Redaction hasCharacter This property points to the text in which the current instance of Organisation is a character
hasAgent 0-M Role isAssignedTo This property points to one of the roles (an instance of Role) performed by the current Organisation


A particular position, point, or area in space; a location

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
altitude Altitude 0-1 xsd:decimal Altitude expressed in decimal degrees (WGS84)
date Date 0-M xsd:string A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is expected to happen
from From (date range) 0-1 xsd:string Start date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with to in order to define the range
latitude Latitude 0-1 xsd:decimal Latitude expressed in decimal degrees (WGS84)
longitude Longitude 0-1 xsd:decimal Longitude expressed in decimal degrees (WGS84)
name Name 0-M xsd:string Contains the modern/standard name of a place. Use a language tag to define the language
notAfter Not after (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the latest possible date
notBefore Not before (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the earliest possible date
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
originalName Original name 0-M xsd:string Name of the place as it appears in the source text
to To (date range) 0-1 xsd:string End date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with from in order to define the range
typeOfPlace Type of place 0-M xsd:string Type of place (e.g. fictional)
uri URI 0-1 xsd:anyURI URI to a Linked Open Data resource
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isMentionedIn 0-M Acrostic mentions This property points to the Acrostic in which the current instance of Place is referenced
isTheOrigin 0-M Ensemble isFrom This property points to the Ensemble whose provenance corresponds to the current instance of Place
isInvolvedIn 0-M Event involves This property points to the Event in which the current instance of Place is referenced
isMentionedIn 0-M Line mentions This property points to the Line in which the current instance of Place is referenced
isTheOrigin 0-M Opus isFrom This property points to the Opus whose provenance corresponds to the current instance of Place
isTheOrigin 0-M Organisation isFrom This property points to the Organisation whose provenance corresponds to the current instance of Place
isMentionedIn 0-M Paratext mentions This property points to the Paratext in which the current instance of Place is referenced
wasPlaceOfRecording 0-M Performance wasRecordedIn This property points an instance of Performance which was recorded in the current Place
wasSetting 0-M Performance wasPerformedIn This property points to a Performance that took place in the current element under analysis
isTheOrigin 0-M Person isFrom This property points to the Person whose provenance corresponds to the current instance of Place
isDeathPlace 0-M Person diedIn This property points to a Person who died in the current instance of Place
isLocatedIn 0-M Place contains This property points to a Place that contains the current item at hand
contains 0-M Place isLocatedIn This property points to a Place that is located in the item at hand
correspondsTo 0-1 Place correspondsTo This property points to a Place that is equivalent to the item at hand
isTheOrigin 0-M PrimarySource isFrom This property points to the PrimarySource whose provenance corresponds to the current instance of Place
isMentionedIn 0-M Redaction mentions This property points to the Redaction in which the current instance of Place is referenced
hasItem 0-M Repository isLocatedIn This property points to the Place where the current Repository is located
isTheOrigin 0-M Witness isFrom This property points to the Witness whose provenance corresponds to the current instance of Place
isTheOrigin 0-M WitnessCollection isFrom This property points to the WitnessCollection whose provenance corresponds to the current instance of Place


A thing that happens or takes place

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
date Date 0-M xsd:string A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is expected to happen
dateCertainty Date certainty 0-1 xsd:string Level of certainty regarding a stated date
dateNote Notes about the datation 0-M xsd:string Comments in relation to a stated date
description Description of the event 0-1 xsd:string Description of the event mentioned in the text, for instance, a paraphrasis of the contents, or the explanation of the historical facts depicted
eventNarration Narration of the event 0-1 xsd:string Text that narrates the event, that is, an excerpt of the Redaction
from From (date range) 0-1 xsd:string Start date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with to in order to define the range
name Name 0-1 xsd:string Contains a proper noun or noun phrase that refers the current item
notAfter Not after (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the latest possible date
notBefore Not before (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the earliest possible date
to To (date range) 0-1 xsd:string End date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with from in order to define the range
typeOfEvent Type of event 0-1 xsd:string Type of event, for instance its modality (real, fictional…)
uri URI 0-1 xsd:anyURI URI to a Linked Open Data resource
url URL 0-M xsd:anyURI Reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isRecordedBy 0-M Location records This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance of Location) that registers the current item under analysis
involves 0-M Organisation isInvolvedIn This property points to a Organisation which is related to the current instance of Event
involves 0-M Person isInvolvedIn This property points to a Person which is related to the current instance of Event
involves 0-M Place isInvolvedIn This property points to a Place which is related to the current instance of Event
isMentionedIn 0-M Redaction mentions This property points to the text (an instance of Redaction) that records the current item under analysis


An abstract work that contains more than one Opus. An Ensemble might be conceived as a collection of works, organized by author, by book song, by book of poems; or a work mainly written in prose that contains more than one poetic pieces (each one of being its own Opus)

Eg.: Les fleurs du mal

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
date Date 0-M xsd:string A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is expected to happen
dateCertainty Date certainty 0-1 xsd:string Level of certainty regarding a stated date
from From (date range) 0-1 xsd:string Start date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with to in order to define the range
notAfter Not after (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the latest possible date
notBefore Not before (date) 0-1 xsd:string In uncertain dates, it specifies the earliest possible date
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
numberOfLines Number of lines 0-1 xsd:integer Number of lines in item
numberOfPlays Number of plays 0-1 xsd:integer Number of plays in item
numberOfPoems Number of poems 0-1 xsd:integer Number of poems in item
subtitle Subtitle 0-M xsd:string A secondary, usually explanatory title
title Title 0-1 xsd:string An identifying name given to a text or tune
to To (date range) 0-1 xsd:string End date of a time-interval. In a closed-range interval it is used with from in order to define the range
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
hasCreator 0-M Creator creates This property points to the entity Creator that has created the current instance of the Ensemble
isEditedIn 0-M Location edits This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (Location) that contains an edition of the current instance of Ensemble
isReferencedIn 0-M Location references This property points to the specific location in a bibliographic item (an instance of BibliographicSource) whose contents are related to the current item under analysis (usually, its specific bibliography)
hasPart 0-M Opus isPart This property points to one of the works (an instance of Opus) which form the current element under analysis
hasEditor 0-M Person edits This property points to the Person who has edited the current instance of the Ensemble
isFrom 0-1 Place isTheOrigin This property points to the Place which is the provenance of the current instance of Ensemble


Group of lines. Usually, this grouping forms the basic recurring metrical unit of a poem, song or play

Eg.: As armas e os barões assinalados,
Que da ocidental praia Lusitana,
Por mares nunca de antes navegados,
Passaram ainda além da Taprobana,
Em perigos e guerras esforçados,
Mais do que prometia a força humana,
E entre gente remota edificaram
Novo Reino, que tanto sublimaram;
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
altStanzaNumber Alternative stanza number 0-1 xsd:string Position of the stanza inside the composition when a different ordering is possible
editionNotes Edition notes 0-1 xsd:string Editorial commentary
incipit Incipit 0-1 xsd:string The first line of the work
isNotMetricStanza Is it not a metric stanza? 0-1 xsd:boolean If Stanza is a metrical unit, then this should be “no”. Otherwise (e.g. a section, a lai, etc.) it should be set to “yes”
isRefrainOmitted Has the refrain been omitted? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the copy of the refrain was omitted
language Language 0-M xsd:string Language of the text
paraphrasis Paraphrasis 0-1 xsd:string The recasting of the contents in words different from that originally used, whether in the same language or in a translation
stanzaNumber Stanza number 0-1 xsd:integer Position of the stanza inside the composition
typeOfStanza Type of stanza (not metrical categorisation) 0-M xsd:string Type of stanza, but not in relation to its metrics. E.g. tornada, refrain
typeOfStanzaEdition Type of text provided (type of edition) 0-M xsd:string The type of the text provided in the Stanza

Eg.: Diplomatic edition, critical edition, translation

Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
hasCreator 0-M Creator creates This property points to the entity Creator who has created the Stanza under analysis
hasFirstLine 0-M Line isFirstLine This property points to the first line (an instance of Line) which form the current element under analysis
isEditedIn 0-M Location edits This property points to the specific part of a bibliographic item (Location) where an edition of the current instance of Stanza is located
isReferencedIn 0-M Location references This property points to a particular section of a bibliographic item (an instance of Location) whose contents are related to the current item under analysis (usually, the specific location of a bibliographic reference)
hasMusicalNotation 0-M MusicalNotation isMusicalNotation This property points to an instance of MusicalNotation which contents a transcription of the melody of this Stanza
hasEditor 0-M Person edits This property points to the Person who has edited the current instance of the Stanza
isFirstStanza 0-M Redaction hasFirstStanza This property points to the text (an instance of Redaction) of which the current item under analysis is its first line grouping
isFirstPart 0-1 Redaction hasFirstPart This property points to the container (an instance of Redaction) of which the item at hand is its first part
isPart 0-M Redaction hasPart This property points to the Redaction of which the item at hand is a part
presents 0-M Rhyme isPresentIn This property points to an instance of Rhyme that is contained in the current item under analysis
isTranslated 0-M Stanza isTranslation This property points to another stanza (an instance of Stanza) which is a translation of the current item being analysed
isTranslation 0-1 Stanza isTranslated This property points to another stanza (an instance of Stanza) from which the current item being analysed was translated
hasFirstPart 0-1 Stanza isFirstPart This property points to the first group of lines (an instance of Stanza) which form the current element under analysis
nextPart 0-1 Stanza previousPart This property points to the next group of lines (an instance of Stanza) which form the current element under analysis
nextStanza 0-1 Stanza previousStanza This property points to an instance of Stanza that follows the current item under analysis
isFirstPart 0-1 Stanza hasFirstPart This property points to the container element (an instance of Stanza) of which the current element under analysis is its first part
previousPart 0-1 Stanza nextPart This property points to the previous group of lines (an instance of Stanza) which, together with the current element under analysis, is
part of the same textual unit
previousStanza 0-1 Stanza nextStanza This property points to the previous group of lines (an instance of Stanza) which, together with the current element under analysis, is part of the same textual unit
isTheSameAs 0-M Stanza isTheSameAs This property points to another instance of Stanza which belongs to another work or ensemble but that has the same contents as the current item at hand
isAnalysedThrough 0-1 StanzaPattern analyses This property points to an item (StanzaPattern) that contains analytical content about the current instance of Stanza
considers 0-M Witness isConsideredBy This property points to one of the witnesses (an instance of Witness) used for the edition at hand (the current Stanza)
interprets 0-1 Witness isInterpretedBy This property points to the Witness of which the current text is a documentary edition


A unit of verse that usually ends in a visual or typographic break and generally characterized by its length and meter

Eg.: “As armas e os barões assinalados” – from Os Lusíadas
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
content Content 0-1 xsd:string Full content of item
isRefrain Is this item part of a refrain? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the line or group of lines is part of a refrain
lineNumber Line number 0-1 xsd:string Number of the verse
nextColumnLabel Label of the next column 0-1 xsd:string If this is the last line of a column in the source, label or number of the following column (otherwise leave empty)
nextPageNumber Number of the next page 0-1 xsd:string If this is the last line of a page in the source, number of the following page (otherwise leave empty)
notes Notes 0-M xsd:string Comment or explanations
regularisedSpelling Regularised spelling 0-1 xsd:string Contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized regarding its orthography
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isAnalysedThrough 0-1 Apparatus analyses This property points to an item (Apparatus) that contains analytical content about the current instance of Line
hasFirstPart 0-1 Line isFirstPart This property points to the first division of the line (an instance of Line), such as the first hemistich
isFirstPart 0-1 Line hasFirstPart This property points to the container (an instance of Line) of which the current item under analysis is its first part
nextPart 0-1 Line previousPart When a line is divided in smaller units, such as hemistichs, this property points to next division (an instance of Line)
previousPart 0-1 Line nextPart When a line is divided in smaller units, such as hemistichs, this property points to previous division (an instance of Line)
nextLine 0-1 Line previousLine This property points to an instance of Line that follows the current item under analysis
previousLine 0-1 Line nextLine This property points to an instance of Line that preceeds the current item under analysis
rhymesWith 0-M Line rhymesWith This property points to an instance of Line that rhymes with the current Line under analysis
isAnalysedThrough 0-1 LinePattern analyses This property points to an item (LinePattern) that contains analytical content about the current instance of Line
mentions 0-M Organisation isMentionedIn This property points to an instance of Organisation that is referred in the current under analysis
mentions 0-M Person isMentionedIn This property points to an instance of Person that is referred in the current under analysis
mentions 0-M Place isMentionedIn This property points to an instance of Place that is referred in the current under analysis
hasFirstToken 0-M Punctuation isFirstToken This property points to one of the words (an instance of Punctuation) which form the current element under analysis
isFirstLine 0-M Redaction hasFirstLine This property points to the group of lines (an instance of Stanza) of which the current item under analysis is its first line
presents 0-M RhetoricalDevice isPresentIn This property points to an instance of RhetoricalDevice that is contained in the current item under analysis
hasRelationWith 0-M RhetoricalDevice isRelatedWith This property points to the instance of RhetoricalDevice which defines the relation between the Line under analysis an a another
instance of Line
presents 0-M Rhyme isPresentIn This property points to an instance of Rhyme that is contained in the current item under analysis
isFirstLine 0-M Stanza hasFirstLine This property points to the group of lines (an instance of Stanza) of which the current item under analysis is its first line
hasFirstSyllable 0-1 Syllable isFirstSyllable This property points to the first syllable (an instance of Syllable) of the line
hasFirstToken 0-1 Word isFirstToken This property points to one of the words (an instance of Word) which form the current element under analysis
mentions 0-M Word isMentionedIn This property points to an instance of Word to provide further information of a word referred in the Apparatus


A single distinct meaningful element of writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed

Eg.: The word “life”
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
content Content 0-1 xsd:string Full content of item
hasDiastole Does it have a diastole? 0-1 xsd:boolean It contains the lengthening of a normally short syllable
hasElision Does it have an elision? 0-1 xsd:boolean It presents the combination of two syllables into one for the purposes of poetic scansion
hasHiatus Does it have a hiatus? 0-1 xsd:boolean It contains the separate pronunciation of the two vowels in a diphthong for the sake of meter
hasSynizesis Does it have a synizesis? 0-1 xsd:boolean It presents the union in pronunciation of two adjacent vowels into one syllable without forming a diphthong
hasSystole Does it have a systole? 0-1 xsd:boolean It contains the shortening of a syllable regularly long
hiatusPart1 First vowel of an hiatus 0-1 xsd:string First vowel affected in a hiatus phenomenon
hiatusPart2 Second vowel of an hiatus 0-1 xsd:string Second vowel affected in a hiatus phenomenon
lemma Lemma 0-1 xsd:string Citation form, the particular form that is chosen by convention to represent the
morphologicalAnnotation Morphological annotation 0-1 xsd:string Any type of morphological analysis (from POS to morpheme composition)
phoneticTranscription Phonetic transcription 0-1 xsd:string Phonetic transcription
regularisedSpelling Regularised spelling 0-1 xsd:string Contains a reading which has been regularised or normalised regarding its
sense Sense 0-M xsd:string One of the meanings of a word or phrase
translation Translation 0-M xsd:string Translation of the word
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isMentionedIn 0-M Apparatus mentions This property points to the instance of Apparatus in which the Word is referred
isMentionedIn 0-M Line mentions This property points to the instance of Line in which the Word is referred
isFirstToken 0-1 Line hasFirstToken This property points to the container (an instance of Line) of which the current item under analysis is its first token
isReferencedIn 0-M Location references This property points to a particular section of a bibliographic item (an instance of Location) whose contents are related to the current item under analysis (usually, the specific location of a bibliographic reference)
previousToken 0-1 Punctuation nextToken This property points to an instance of Punctuation that preceeds the current item under analysis
nextToken 0-1 Punctuation previousToken This property points to an instance of Punctuation that follows the current item under analysis
isMentionedIn 0-M Reading mentions This property points to the instance of Reading in which the Word is referred
presents 0-M RhetoricalDevice isPresentIn This property points to an instance of RhetoricalDevice that is contained in the current item under analysis
hasRelationWith 0-M RhetoricalDevice isRelatedWith This property points to the instance of RhetoricalDevice which defines the relation between the Word under analysis an a another
instance of Word
isRhymeWord 0-M Rhyme hasRhymeWord This property points to the instance of Rhyme that contains the item at hand as its rhyme word
hasFirstSyllable 0-1 Syllable isFirstSyllable This property points to the first syllable of the word (an instance of Syllable)
nextToken 0-1 Word previousToken This property points to an instance of Word that follows the current item under analysis
previousToken 0-1 Word nextToken This property points to an instance of Word that preceeds the current item under analysis
isCallOf 0-1 Word isEchoOf This property points to a previous Word (call) that rhymes with the current instance of Word
isEchoOf 0-M Word isCallOf This property points to a following Word (echo) that that rhymes with the current instance of Word
isInflectedForm 0-1 Word isLemma This property points to its lemma (an instance of Word)
isLemma 0-M Word isInflectedForm This property points to one of the inflected forms (an instance of Word) of the current headword (the Word at hand)


A linguistic analysis using the syllable as the unit of reference

Eg.: The onset and coda of the rhyme vowel
Name Label Cardinality Range Description
coda Coda 0-1 xsd:string Sound or sounds that follow the nucleus
content Content 0-1 xsd:string Full content of item
hasHiatus Does it have a hiatus? 0-1 xsd:boolean It contains the separate pronunciation of the two vowels in a diphthong for the sake of meter
hasSynizesis Does it have any synizeses? 0-1 xsd:boolean It presents the union in pronunciation of two adjacent vowels/syllables into one syllable
isDialepha Is this syllable part of a dialepha? 0-1 xsd:boolean The current instance of Syllable together with the following one form a dialepha
isStressed Is it stressed? 0-1 xsd:boolean Whether the syllable is stressed
lineNumber Line number 0-1 xsd:integer Number of the verse
nucleusType Type of syllabic nucleus 0-1 xsd:string Type of syllabic nucleus (linguistic typology)
onset Onset 0-1 xsd:string Sound or sounds occurring before the nucleus, a consonant or consonant cluster
positionInWord Position in the word 0-1 xsd:string Position of the syllable in the word
Eg.: 3/4 (= third syllable in a four-syllable word)
weight Syllable weight 0-1 xsd:string Pattern according to the number and/or duration of segments in the syllabic rime, that is, the nucleus and coda
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isFirstSyllable 0-1 Line hasFirstSyllable This property points to the word (an instance of Line) of which the item at hand is its first syllable
nextSyllable 0-1 Syllable previousSyllable This property points to an instance of Syllable in order to analyse the syllable that comes after the syllable at hand
previousSyllable 0-1 Syllable nextSyllable This property points to an instance of Syllable in order to analyse the syllable that comes before the syllable at hand
synalephaSecondElement 0-1 Syllable synalephaFirstElement This propety points to the next linguistic syllable that is merged with the current instance of Syllable from a prosodic point of view (synalepha)
synalephaFirstElement 0-1 Syllable synalephaSecondElement This propety points to the previous linguistic syllable that is merged with the current instance of Syllable from a prosodic point of view (synalepha)
isFirstSyllable 0-1 Word hasFirstSyllable This property points to the word (an instance of Word) of which the item at hand is its first syllable


Specific markings, signs and symbols that are used in and around sentences to give them structure and to allow for correct understanding and comprehension

Name Label Cardinality Range Description
content Content 0-1 xsd:string Full content of item
Name Cardinality Range Inverse Description
isFirstToken 0-1 Line hasFirstToken This property points to the container (an instance of Line) of which the current item under analysis is its first token
nextToken 0-1 Punctuation previousToken This property points to an instance of Punctuation that follows the current item under analysis
previousToken 0-1 Punctuation nextToken This property points to an instance of Punctuation that preceeds the current item under analysis
nextToken 0-1 Word previousToken This property points to an instance of Word that follows the current item under analysis
previousToken 0-1 Word nextToken This property points to an instance of Word that preceeds the current item under analysis