The eight edition of the Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2019 (LASI Spain 2019), organized by Universidade de Vigo in collaboration with SNOLA (Spanish Network of Learning Analytics) and TELGalicia, is part of the global LASI network, conceived as a platform to catalyze educators, technologists, researchers, enterprise and policymakers around shaping the next generation of learning infrastructures to truly serve the needs now facing the education sector. The event will take place on June 27 – 28, 2019 in Vigo, Spain.

The Call for Papers of LASI Spain 19 invites researchers across the globe to submit original research and work in progress that further contributes to advances in the field.

LASI Spain 19 welcomes both quantitative and qualitative work related to the topics of interest within the broad theme of “Learning Analytics in Higher Education”, and aims to crossinterdisciplinary boundaries that help expanding our understanding of current and future trends in learning analytics.

LASI Spain 19 aims to address state-of-the-art advances in learning analytics, and to gather multidisciplinary but complementary approaches from different fields, such as Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Education, Sociology and Psychology.

This Call for Papers is open for submissions covering the following topics:
• Learning analytics oriented to assessment of competences.
• Learning analytics and self-regulated learning.
• Adaptive learning.
• Longitudinal studies on learning analytics.
• Theoretical advances in learning analytics.
• Ethical and privacy aspects of learning analytics.
• Policy-making and learning analytics.
• Technological developments and learning analytics: interoperable systems,
• multimodal learning analytics, virtual worlds.
• Discourse and sentiment analytics.
• Social learning analytics.
• Data transformation processes for learning analytics.
• Integration of learning analytics and instructional methods.
• Learning analytics in personal learning environments (PLEs)

• Submission date: 5 May 2019
• Author notification: 2 June 2019
• Camera ready: 16 June 2019

• Short papers: 6-8 pages.
• Full papers: 12-15 pages.
• Workshops: 4 pages.
For review purposes, the papers should not include any information about the authors and should be in English.

Submissions must strictly follow Springer Conference Proceedings guidelines for contributions.
All of the accepted papers will be published in CEUR-Workshop proceedings, as in previous editions. The best papers will be invited to send extended versions to a special issue about “Smart Learning” in the Applied Science
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