Humanidades digitales

7 06, 2019

Postdata IP Elena González-Blanco will talk about AI, poetry and language technologies in a Techtalk session focused on Artificial Intelligence

2019-06-10T18:47:13+00:00By |

"Artificial intelligence and language: will machines come to speak like men?" Artificial intelligence is now a trending topic, however it is a discipline whose algorithms began to develop more than four decades ago.In the 50s, [...]

6 11, 2018

Workshop at UNED towards DARIAH infrastructures for Digital Humanities in Spain

2018-12-03T17:12:33+00:00By |

The workshop about DARIAH infrastructure took place at UNED past October 30th.. .The event was organized by the H2020 DESIR-DARIAH Project at Digital Humanities Innovation Lab (LINHD-UNED), and supported by POSTDATA project. The Association of [...]

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