7 11, 2019

Elena González-Blanco, among the 9 most influential young Spanish entrepreneurs

2019-11-07T11:16:20+00:00By |

Elena González-Blanco, Principal Investigator of POSTDATA, founder of LINHD, and general director of CoverWallet, has been chosen as one of the nine most influential Spanish entrepreneurs by the magazine "Emprendedores". This selection was based on [...]

22 10, 2019

POSTDATA at the Natural Language Processing course organized by Madrid

2019-10-22T08:51:31+00:00By |

Last Saturday, October 19th, the POSTDATA team participated in a session on Language Processing organized by Madrid. In this session some tools for the execution of PLN were discussed, and the students could perform [...]

6 11, 2018

Workshop at UNED towards DARIAH infrastructures for Digital Humanities in Spain

2018-12-03T17:12:33+00:00By |

The workshop about DARIAH infrastructure took place at UNED past October 30th.. .The event was organized by the H2020 DESIR-DARIAH Project at Digital Humanities Innovation Lab (LINHD-UNED), and supported by POSTDATA project. The Association of [...]

3 05, 2018

DESIR Project presentation at Days of Digitales Humanities Network of UAB

2018-05-03T14:51:11+00:00By |

The First Digital Humanities event at Autonomus University of Barcelona was held on April 18 & 19 , organized by the Digital Humanities Network (@XHumDigitUAB). The event aimed to share the digital humanities developed by UAB [...]

30 04, 2018

POSTDATA conducts workshop on linked open data in Würzburg

2018-04-30T11:15:22+00:00By |

From the 23th to the 25th of April, POSTDATA led a workshop on linked open data (LOD) at Universität Würzburg. The event was organised by the research group CLiGS (Computational Literary  Genre Stylistics) and ended with a guest [...]

11 04, 2018

DH@Madrid Summer School 2018: “Applications and possibilities of natural language processing for research in Digital Humanities”

2018-04-11T22:31:52+00:00By |

UNED, through its formative summer courses 2018, organizes together with LINHD and the ERC POSTDATA project, the course "Applications and possibilities of natural language processing for research in Digital Humanities" This course is intended to [...]

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