
13 04, 2018

Presentation at Sorbonne seminar on stylometry and the Spanish Golden Age

2018-04-13T14:14:17+00:00By |

On Friday April 6, POSTADATA took part in a seminar entitled "Estilometría y Siglo de Oro: El giro computacional en el estudio de textos áureos" ("Stylometry and the Spanish Golden Age: The computational turn"). The [...]

9 03, 2018

POSTDATA presents the DISCO corpus in Cologne (DHd 2018)

2018-12-13T09:15:16+00:00By |

Last week POSTDATA was in Cologne at DHd 2018, the annual conference of Digital Humanities im deutschprachigen Raum (German-speaking DH association). The conference was hosted by the Cologne Center for eHumanities and the University of [...]

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