This week the National Library of Spain (BNE) has launched a new initiative, the BNElab. It is a project in collaboration with in which the centenary institution launches towards innovation with technological developments that promise to develop Digital Humanities in Spain: from an automatic generator of musical pieces to a kitchen laboratory, through an ePubs generator to a role-playing game that intrigues even the most seasoned users. More information of the event here.

  Captura de pantalla 2017-07-20 a las 10.25.46In addition, this week  we were invited to taught a course of Introduction to the Academic Digital Edition and Marking of texts in TEI-XML to the staff of the BNE, who from their knowledge of the documentation, has seen the potential of the application of these technologies to their existing resources of their platforms and infrastructures towards the Digital Humanities. Elena González Blanco, Maria Luisa Díez Platas y Helena Bermúdez Sabel were lectores for the courses.

Check more information here!