UNED is an affiliate member of DESIR, DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined, project.
Salvador Ros in behalf of UNED has participated in the annual meeting of DESIR. Uned is a University involved in the Digital Humanities research through the LINHD center (Laboratory of innovation in Digital Humanities) and with the development of ERC Starting Grant Project lead by Elena Gonzalez Blanco, POSTDATA.
Desir Project is involved in:
- Improve the dissemination on behalf of DARIAH in the research community.
- Promote the regional growth of DARIAH through new partner countries.
- Technology activity, in particular the development and improvement of tools and services.
- Robustness in the sense of improved sustainability through proven business models, a dissemination strategy and an efficient organisational structure.
- Strengthen the trust in DARIAH especially in the recent joined up communities;
- Offer an array of training instruments. The project is designed for 36 months and closely embedded in DARIAH-EU and DARIAH-DE.
In this meeting, the goals of project were revised and the future steps were planned.