The 2nd Workshop of the project “Elaboration of a Concept for a European Academies Internet Gateway (AGATE)”, will take place on Monday, 16th January 2017, in Berlin, at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The workshop’s objective is to introduce and discuss the concept and working plan development of a digital infrastructure for Humanities and Social Sciences research (SSH) of the science academies in Europe (AGATE). Furthermore, the workshop seeks to initiate an open dialogue between the SSH researchers at the science academies with European infrastructures and the contribution of AGATE to the vision of Open Science in Europe.

The participants at the event are SSH researchers, ICT-experts and digital librarians and archivists from the European science academies as potential users and data providers to join the discussion about the shape of a future AGATE

Elena González Blanco will participate as expert in the panel  “user involvement”. More information about the event HERE.