From the 23th to the 25th of April, POSTDATA led a workshop on linked open data (LOD) at Universität Würzburg.

The event was organised by the research group CLiGS (Computational Literary  Genre Stylistics) and ended with a guest lecture entitled Linked Open Data: Unchain your corpora.

Besides receiving a crash course on Semantic Web, participants had the opportunity to explore LOD resources by retrieving information using the query language SPARQL. In addition, the workshop tackled the use of RDFa to enrich a corpus as a strategy to translate the  TEI semantics to the Web. During the last day, the members of CLiGS learned about new Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and dedicated a few hours to delve into these tools.

POSTDATA would like to thank the CLiGS group for hosting this event and for welcoming our colleagues in Würzburg! We hope we’ll have the chance to work together again.

You can read more about the event at CLiGS’ blog.